Risk Assessment Study of Domestic Wastewater Pollution in North Kolaka Regency: Geographic Information System Approach

Background: The community in North Kolaka Regency already has an open system of household waste water disposal, but there are still many found in a damaged, cracked and even perforated condition. In addition, there are also those who make the channel not watertight by digging the soil in the form of a ditch. They also still use a stool that is not tight on one side. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk index of domestic wastewater pollution.

Method: This type of research is quantitative research with geographic information systems approach. Data was collected by survey method using questionnaires and observation sheets. The sample in this study was 5,320. Data analysis using equal interval on Quantum GIS application version 3.26.0.

Result: In the parameters of the safe suspect tank, most of the 5,320 respondents (99%) have an unsafe suspect septic tank, while 1% have a safe suspect tank. For the parameters of pollution due to the disposal of the contents of the septic tank, most of the 5,320 respondents (99.8%) are not safe against contamination of the contents of the septic tank, while 0.2% is classified as safe. And for the parameters of pollution due to waste water discharge channels from 5,320 respondents, most (73%) are classified as unsafe and the remaining 27% are classified as safe.

Conclusion: North Kolaka Regency 4 Districts with a risk index value are included in the moderate risk category, namely Tolala, Porehu, Central Pakue, and North Pakue Districts. 6 Districts are included in the high risk category, namely Batu Putih, Ngapa, Tiwu, Lasusua, Ranteangin, and Wawo Districts. While the other 5 sub-districts are in the very high category, namely Pakue, Watunohu, Kodeoha, Katoi, and Lambai sub-districts.

Self-Care Behavior of Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study

Purpose: This study aims to explore the experiences and perceptions of type 2 diabetes patients with symptoms of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) in managing their self-care behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: Qualitative research with a descriptive phenomenological approach reveals diabetes self-care behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Individual interviews were conducted at the participants’ homes with a semi-structured interview guide on twelve type 2 diabetes patients. All interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using thematic content analysis.

Results: A total of five themes were identified from the interview analysis, namely: 1) Perception of diabetes self-management; 2) Efforts to control blood sugar; 3) Barriers to blood sugar control; 4) Perceived disturbance; 5) Social support. Since its emergence, the Covid-19 pandemic has become a new obstacle in controlling blood glucose in diabetic patients. In addition to the covid-19 pandemic, negative spiritual coping, low self-motivation, and perceived physical effects are inhibiting factors for blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes patients with symptoms of DPN.

Conclusions: Obstacles in efforts to control blood glucose in type 2 diabetes patients with symptoms of DPN include physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. The suggestion in this study is that during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to adjust and modify diabetes self-management for patients with DPN symptoms. The interventions provided should not only focus on the physical aspect but also need holistic attention to the psychosocial and spiritual aspects simultaneously by involving family participation in the management of the patient’s diabetes.

Financial Performance and Valuation Assessment of PT Gudang Garam Tbk in Comparison to PT. Hm Sampoerna and PT. Wismilak Inti Makmur

The Tobacco Products Industry (IHT) remains the primary sector as one of the largest contributors to the national economy through excise. The tobacco or cigarette processing industry amounted to IDR 21.96 trillion in the first quarter of 2022. This value grew 0.98% compared to the same period the previous year (year on year/yoy) of IDR 21.75 trillion. This final task will aim to assess the performance finance PT. Gudang Garam Tbk for the last five years has provided recommendations to PT. Gudang Garam tbk in increasing company profits and sales. Ultimately to achieve management goals and provide optimal returns to investors. Financial ratio analysis carried out in this project includes profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, market ratio, activity ratio, and intrinsic value of GGRM companies using the free cash flow to the firm (FCFF) method. The study results show that GGRM has good performance and the valuation results using the FCC method show that the intrinsic value of the shares is IDR 112,775, while the stock market price is IDR 17,100 (As of January 16, 2023), so the value of the shares is stated to be undervalued.

Proposed Communitized Digital Marketing Strategies to Enhance Brand Awareness for Cafe in Tangerang (Study Case: El Primero Cafe & Meet)

The background of this research is the anxiety of one of the Cafe owners in Tangerang, El Primero Cafe & Meet, who has experienced an inconsistency in the number of visitors. This problem shows that the existence of El Primero Cafe & Meet has not been very visible to the market, one of which is its digital presence which greatly provides opportunities for businesses to be seen by the market on a global scale. With a minimal digital presence, El Primero Cafe & Meet is difficult to achieve high brand awareness. One solution that can be done is to focus on planning a digital marketing strategy so that digital activities are consistent, have targets, and can be used as a source of market research data for business development. In addition, in the collaborative and digital era, of course, involving the community directly with brands can be an interesting strategy to adopt. By combining the digital world and the concept of communitization, El Primero can form a close relationship with the online market and community and introduce their place as “Home” for collaborating communities. The purpose of this research is to develop a community-based digital marketing strategy to increase brand awareness of El Primero Cafe & Meet.

This study used a qualitative method by conducting interviews with 3 categories of informants; management, community, and general consumers with a total of 8 interviewees. The core idea of each interview is to explore the behavior of the market towards the digital world, what digital marketing concepts are needed by the market, to management’s expectations regarding the strategy to be designed. From the research results, data was obtained in the form of consumer behavior in accessing digital platforms on a daily basis on the digital platform channels. These data are then processed into thought concepts in the preparation of a digital marketing strategy with SOSTAC Framewrok and this strategy will be used to increase brand awareness of El Primero Cafe & Meet in the next 6 months as a pilot stage.

Design and Development of ER MineTracer: A Mobile Emergency Response Application for Mining Industry

Most of the industries, especially mining companies, are facing nowadays an exciting future with growing demand as well as severe challenges. Several innovations in technology as well as in the organizational process and methods are developed in order to cope with the continuously advancing technologically-driven society and to address pressing issues that industries are facing, including emergency response-related problems. This study aimed to improve information access by developing ER MineTracer mobile emergency response application which combines web and mobile applications designed for reporters and rescuers in responding to employees’ emergency requests. It uses GPS to determine an employee’s current position and communicates the user’s name and present location straight to a web application installed in a command center for quick dispatching of emergency units. Descriptive-developmental research was employed in the study utilizing an object-oriented modeling tool in designing the ER MineTracer mobile application. Thirty (30) participants were purposefully chosen to assess the performance of the system and it was revealed that the developed ER MineTracer mobile application was efficient in terms of accessibility, accuracy, and usability. Hence, it is recommended to utilize ER MineTracer and optimize smartphones to assist individuals in saving lives during emergencies and accidents, especially in mining industries.

Financial Performance Analysis and Valuation Assessment of Pt Bumi Resources in Comparison with Pt. Adaro Energy Tbk. and Pt. Bukit Asam Tbk. For Period of 2017-3rd Quarter of 2022

Indonesia is the third largest country in the world producing coal products. PT. Bumi Resource Tbk. (BUMI) is a coal industry company with the highest market capital, but its financial performance is not good when viewed from its net income in the 2017-3rd quarter of 2022. Financial ratio analysis is used to evaluate the company’s financial performance. This analysis uses the provisions of the ministry No.KEP-100/MBU/2002 which is divided into 4 factors, namely profitability, liquidity, activity and solvency ratio. Economic Value Added (EVA) and FCFF valuation are the methods used in this research. For external analysis, researchers use PEST analysis.
The researcher found that BUMI’s financial performance was categorized as an unhealthy company based on its financial ratio analysis with an average rating of B. Based on the EVA method, BUMI’s financial performance was considered not good considering that its value was always negative. From the FCFF valuation, the Intrinsic Value of BUMI is IDR 250.29 when the current price is IDR 147. So, the BUMI company is concluded to be undervalued.

A Course-Based Qualitative Exploration into the Views of CYC Students on the Use of Harm Reduction Strategies for High-Risk Youth

The purpose of this course-based research study was to examine child and youth care (CYC) students’ attitudes toward of the use of harm-reduction programs and services for high-risk youth. In this qualitative interpretive inquiry, an open-ended, scenario-based questionnaire was used to collect data via email. A non-probability purposive sampling strategy was applied to recruit 16 CYC student participants. The thematic analysis method defined by Braun and Clarke (2006) was used to identify three main themes: a) a safe place free of physical and emotional harm, b) relationships really matter, and c) support versus control is the CYC way.

The Growth and Development of Iron Works and its Contributions to Economic Emancipation in Yola-Adamawa Emirate

This paper gives general account of iron work industry (Blacksmithing) in Adamawa emirate, which have been an integral subsector of the manufacturing agricultural, domestic tools and indigenous weapons. Smithing is the act of turning mined ores into useful metal objects. There are two parts of smithing: smelting and forging. Smelting means using a furnace to convert ores into metal bars. Forging means hammering metal bars on anvil to make weapon pieces of armour, dart tips and more. The industry contributes to the growth and development of commercial activities and livelihood of the people of Yola (Adamawa) and their neighbours. It is worthy to note that the history of iron work activity in Yola shows the evolution and exposed the region in the face of wider world with its technological advancement. The paper adopted both primary and secondary sources of data collection because many researches undertook in the region were mostly focused on socio-political than economic history of the region especially on iron work industry which was neglected. Therefore, research on iron works should give light on the activities of blacksmithing in Yola area and its significant to the economic growth and development of the area.

A Comparative Study between Cyproheptadine and Carum Carvi as Appetite Stimulant in Case of Weight Gain

Appetite stimulators are the therapeutic compounds that increases appetite and help in weight gain. The commonly used synthetic appetite stimulators may be in the form of a synthetic drug (Cyproheptadine) or a hormone (Ghrelin) which increases hunger and therefore enhances food consumption leading to weight gain. Weight gainers are advised in case of children that show poor eating habits to enhance their appetite. The use of synthetic or chemical source is often accompanied with side effects such as abnormal weight gain, confusion, ataxia, drowsiness, dry mouth leading to a slower metabolism. This comparative study, gives an overview on the potential capacity of Carum carvi, a carminative, obtained from natural source having lesser side effects and a significant potential to increase the peristaltic movement thus leading to increased gastric motility. The 5-HT antagonist, cyproheptadine increases appetite by blocking the action of 5-HT2A and shows additional anti-histaminic action. Therefore, it increases the GIT motility. But it is accompanied with many side effects such as drowsiness, ataxia, dry mouth and confusion. Whereas, Carum carvi, a natural GIT motility enhancer increasing the peristaltic movement by blocking the action of acetylcholine. Therefore may act as anti-cholinergic agent that enhances the GIT motility that enhances appetite with minimal side effects.

The Influence of Apparatus Competency, The Role of Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus, and The Effectiveness of The Government’s Intern Control System on The Performance of The Aceh Government’s Regional Financial Management

This study aims to examine the influence of apparatus competence, the role of the government’s internal supervisory apparatus and the effectiveness of the government’s internal control system on the performance of regional financial managers in the Government of Aceh. The population in this study were all financial management officials, namely budget officials, financial administration officials, activity technical implementation officials, and expenditure treasurers in the Aceh government’s Local government work unit in accordance with Government Regulation Number 58 of 2005 concerning Regional Financial Management. The data used is primary data. Data collection techniques were carried out by distributing questionnaires consisting of 25 statement items. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that the competence of the apparatus, the role of the government’s internal supervisory apparatus and the effectiveness of the government’s internal control system had an effect on the performance of regional financial managers of the Government of Aceh.