An Exploratory Study of Digital Assets to Stimulate Consumer Experience through Consumer Journey on Pre-Visit and Post-Visit at Tourism Sector

This study aims to explore how digital assets can be used as a stimulus to create a cognitive and affective response in two-level stages through consumer experience journey theory. 21 semi-structured interviews were conducted to identify two psychological states: utilitarian (as a cognitive response) and hedonistic (as an affective response). The results show that several categories of information (location, place condition, and tourist site objects) lead to several cognitive responses, such as curiosity. The visual based video has become the visit intention triggered with four situational facilitators which are richness, vividness, fluency, and novelty. The images of places, moments, and views of tourism experience video triggers recollection memories process and evoked a positive emotion that refers to the sense of longing for a particular tourist site and affect consumers’ word-of-mouth intention. This study also discovered that consumer responses to the same stimulus can differ depending on age, gender, occupation, and background.

Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales during a New Normal Era on PT. Promedika Mitra Utama (Distributor in the Medical Device Sector)

COVID-19 has affected all economies. increases demand in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, notably in the health and pharmaceutical industries, which grow significantly. Some entities like micro-retailers hope to make a profit. Micro retailers dominate Indonesian based on product sales. Micro retailers sales and revenue  rise significantly. Promedika Mitra Utama (PMU) sells and marketing their product using B2C business model. as micro retailer categorizes in micro in medical device industry, PMU has also been affected positively and negatively by the pandemic.  In 2023, market condition of medical devices had started to fall, this caused corona cases to have gone down, people don’t really need medical devices. PMU as a micro retailer experienced a decline in sales as well, Learn from this dynamic condition. PMU wants to maintain the stability of sales performance at least will be stable to for a next a few years as a player on health and pharmaceutical industries. Marketing activities are one of those that can aid in this regard and directly relate to sales. In general, PMU has carried out marketing activities, but that kind of marketing activities PMU running are poor on measurement and monitoring, this led to his marketing activities often ineffective in Budgeting, scheduling, utilization. Entering 2023, PMU wants to make a marketing plan approach to efficiently budget campaigns, promotions, and other marketing activities according to the company’s goals and objective. Good marketing plan approach will be anticipated volatility of the market by enhancing sustainable competitive advantage. and evaluating ongoing marketing activities. Using the AFI analysis framework based on internal, external, and SWOT formulation, will result in some proposed marketing planning strategy. Marketing plan will be used for 2023 and for 2024 input evaluation, where the results are in the form of a formulation of 7Ps of marketing mix, TOWS, and Porter Generic analysis. Finding of this research, it was found that PMU will plan and applied some strategy and policies offline and online-based marketing activities in 2 semesters during 2023. Which is the goal of the first semester to build awareness and discount incentives to boost sales and Finding of this research, it was found that PMU will plan offline and online-based marketing activities in 2 semesters during 2023. Which is the goal of the first semester to build awareness and discount incentives to boost sales.

The Development of Cookies from Modified Cassava Flour with Soy Isolate Protein (ISP) Substitution as an Alternative Supplementary Food for Pregnant Women with CED

Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in pregnant women can be caused by direct and indirect factors. The lack of energy and protein intake during pregnancy has been proven to increase the risk of CED in pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in the acceptability and organoleptic properties of panelists, as well as the nutritional content of cookies based on Modified Cassava Flour with soy protein isolate substitution. The study was conducted as experimental research and a Completely Randomized Design was used. The research was conducted from June to December 2022. This study, which involved the production of Modified Cassava Flour cookies with the substitution of isolated soy protein flour and hedonic testing, was conducted at the Culinary Laboratory of Universitas Esa Unggul. The statistical test used to see the difference in nutrient content between the treatment levels of Cookies was Anova test and Ducan’s advanced test. The research results showed that there was a significant difference in hedonic quality in terms of taste and texture (p<0.05). There was a significant difference in hedonic among formulas in terms of taste, color, aroma, and texture (p<0.05). There was a significant difference in the content of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins among formulas (p<0.05). The conclusion of this study was that the best formula is F3, which can contribute to the energy and protein needed by pregnant women with CED.

GIS Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Locating Bank Branches

In banking industry, optimum location of the bank branch plays an important role in ensuring the success of the bank.  It is one of the most important decision making processes.  This issue is highly important because of the vibrant competition, limited budgets and high customer expectations .This study’s objective is to provide a hybrid model for selecting optimal site location using available data sources and well accepted decision models, specifically Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Geographic Information System (GIS).The process identified the most commonly used criteria for bank branch location consideration through literature  review  yielding  demographics,  competition,  transportation,  access  to  public  facilities. Criteria and  sub-criteria  weights  were  quantified  through  pair-wise  comparison  using  expert  judges,  via  ANP.  The database created for the study area (Khartoum Locality) includes data about demographics, competition, transportation, access to public facilities available in the area.  With the help of Esri’s ArcGIS software through using the weighted overlay analysis tool we have identified suitable sites of new bank branches  .The results showed five optimal locations for new bank branch in Khartoum locality; location near Madani St, location close to Bashir Elnefedi St, location at  Firdous East Square 8, and two other sites in Khartoum West (Shajra Avenue).

For the conclusion, these results show the efficiency and applicability of the proposed integrated method.

The Feasibility of Using Random Administrative Samples (The French Experiment) in Population Censuses in African Countries

This paper aims to introduce the usefulness of the French method in using administrative samples in population censuses, especially in African countries that suffer from financial, logistical and human difficulties in completing their censuses in a comprehensive and accurate manner every ten years according to international standards. In this paper, the results of the Fifth Population Census 2008 AD were compared with the results of the Comprehensive Health Survey 2006 AD to test the adequacy of the samples in expressing the population census at least. Additional to the feasibility of the French method in general.

Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Analysis to Selecting Best City for Opening Outlet of Grillto Indonesia

The culinary business sector is a very popular one; apart from being a cultural identity, the culinary sector also plays a role in the country’s economy, being the largest contributor to Indonesia’s GDP in the creative industry. The rapid development of business in the culinary sector has made business actors continue to innovate, one of which is by taking advantage of the development and use of technology. Seeing this opportunity, Grillto Indonesia innovated to open a Cloud Kitchen outlet that only relied on online food delivery (OFD). Based on his considerations, Griilto Indonesia plans to open outlets in five potential cities, namely Medan, Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. This research focuses on determining two priority cities for the launching strategy. The method used in this study is multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The criteria for this method are determined based on literature reviews and the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method. The results of the study show that the city of Pekanbaru and the city of Medan are the two highest in order, with a value of 0.3503 and 0.2332, respectively. Thus, Grillto Indonesia will open its first outlet in the cities of Pekanbaru and Medan.

Scenario Planning Development in Facing Future Challenge for Power Rental Industry (Case Study: SM Company)

The diesel power rental industry is currently in an energy transition period. Policy changes in reducing the use of non-renewable fuels are factors that can reduce customer demand. Several policies, such as the Paris agreement, followed by a general plan for electricity supply, then a general plan for national energy that focuses on increasing the use of renewable energy encourages the shift from fossil fuels to renewable sources. These factors will affect the electricity rental industry which still uses fossil fuels.

Scenario planning is chosen to provide possible scenarios that may occur in the future by carrying out an analysis of implications & options. This scenario can provide an initial danger signal to be used as an indicator of movement in an industry which will help companies to act and choose the best strategy going forward. Scenario planning is used as a tool for strategic thinking that can be integrated into corporate strategic planning.

The semi-structural interview qualitative method was used to collect both primary and secondary data. Supporting analysis of both external factors such as Pestle & Porters Generic Strategies as well as internal resource-competencies was carried out to determine what factors affect uncertainty in the industry, in overcoming future uncertainties scenario planning carried out in this study. The strategic recommendations that were presented have the potential to assist in the future alignment of the company’s strategy.

PT Garuda Indonesia (PERSERO) Tbk Stock (GIAA) Fair Value Valuation Post Restructuring and Relisting on IDX

The financial difficulties experienced by PT. Garuda Indonesia, characterized by its inability to meet its obligations to several creditors, resulted in the temporary delisting of its shares from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on June 18, 2021. This situation was further exacerbated by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which led to a decline in revenue due to a decrease in passenger numbers and air traffic.

Garuda Indonesia initiated a restructuring effort through the Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU) route with a number of creditors. This resulted in an extension of the payment terms, a conversion of debt to equity, and a modification of the debt structure. The company also implemented improvements to its operational practices aimed at reducing costs. These efforts have produced positive outcomes, including an increase in equity and a decrease in the company’s liabilities.Top of FormBottom of Form Garuda Indonesia also increased the company’s capital through Additional Capital with Pre-emptive Rights (PMHMETD), Additional Capital without Pre-emptive Rights (PMTHMETD) and investment from the government of the Republic of Indonesia through State Investment (PNM).

After completing the restructuring process, Garuda Indonesia (GIAA) shares were free from suspension and were able to return to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with an initial price of Rp.204. This study was conducted to determine the fair value of GIAA shares upon their return to IDX in early January 2023. The study utilized two methods: the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method and the Relative Valuation method. The DCF method resulted in a fair value of Rp. 165.3 for the shares, implying that the initial issuance value was overvalued by 18.97%. The Relative Valuation method EV/sales ratio, yielded a fair value of Rp. 929 for the shares, suggesting that the current issuance value was undervalued by 355%.

Prevalence of Intestinal Perforation Due to Typhoid Fever in the General Surgery Department of Nangarhar Regional Hospital

Typhoid is a systemic disease caused by S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi, and its specific clinical features include fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea. Typhoid is still a major problem in developing countries, mostly caused due to poor sanitation and improper drainage system.

This study is conducted in descriptive form, and all the patients admitted to the General Surgery Department of Nangarhar Regional Hospital had intestinal perforation due to typhoid. The number of patients was 30, who were included in this research. To diagnose the disease, radiological and laboratory tests were done.

The results of the research showed that the incidence of intestinal perforation due to typhoid was (3.3%) in less than 10 years old, 26.6% in the group age 11-20 years old, 23.3% were 21-30 years old, 13.3% in 31-40 years old, 13.3% in 41-50 years old, 13.3% in 51-60 years old and 6.9% were the patients had more than 60 years of age. The occurrence of incidence was based on sex, 18 cases (60%) were male, and 12 cases (40%) were female patients. After the analysis and interpretation of the data, it was found that the ratio of cases in males was higher than in females. According to the clinical record, 100% of the patients had abdominal pain and fever, 80% had abdominal distension, 36.6% had vomiting, 16.6% had diarrhea, and 13.3% had constipation. The results of diagnosis of typhoid-based examination, the cases by abdominal x-ray were 90% and ultrasound 83.4%. Based on the results, it is clear that the abdominal x-ray gave better results than the ultrasound. It is worth mentioning that the incidence of intestinal perforation was 96.6% in the distal ileum and 3.4% in the jejunum.

In conclusion, stomach pain, fever, and abdominal distension were more common than all other symptoms in cases of intestinal perforation due to typhoid. The most important method for diagnosis is an abdominal X-ray, and most cases occur in the terminal part of the ileum.

Proposed Customer Engagement-Oriented Digital Strategy and Integrated Marketing Communication for PT. Ready-Mix X

Many industries were negatively affected by Covid-19 Pandemic, and one of them is a non-essential sector, such as the construction industry. Because of the contraction that happens in the industry, there is a significant decline in demand and sales in the market. PT. Ready-mix X is one of the construction companies that struggled during the pandemic situation, they still could not restore the company’s brand health as before Covid-19, and their sales and demand this year are still declining and not showing any significant value. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a customer engagement-oriented digital strategy and propose the appropriate integrated marketing communication for the company using the limited marketing budget and available resources from PT. Ready- mix X. In analyzing and formulating the digital strategy, this study will use Kraewing’s approach and SOSTAC planning also market research to know the customer preference. The proposed digital strategy should be helping PT. Ready-Mix X provides an improved service platform and digital marketing strategy that suits the market segment and preferences, so it could establish the company’s customer experience that later will generate customer engagement.