Mysterious Card Box: Analysis of Creative Thinking Skills in Elementary School Thematic Learning

The use of media in learning is very urgent. Thematic learning students are required to have the ability to think creatively and complexly. This study aims to determine the use of media in thematic learning to foster students’ creative thinking skills. This study used a qualitative descriptive method which was conducted in three schools involving teachers and fifth grade elementary school students as respondents. Data collection instruments used questionnaires, interviews and observations by providing questions and questionnaires regarding the use of media in thematic learning. The results of data analysis in this study indicate that the lack of use of media in thematic learning. Learners can cultivate creative thinking skills by using alternative media in learning. Mysterious card box media is one of the media that can be used to foster students’ creative thinking skills in thematic learning.

Modifying Think-Pair-Share based on Suggestopedia Principles to Teach Speaking

Every teaching method has their own disadvantages, but if they are integrated, it will make a great solution. This current research aims to intently find out the significant difference in the speaking achievement of the students who are taught through the modified think-pair-share based on suggestopedia and those who are taught through the original think-pair-share. This is a quasi-experimental research design that conducts a quantitative method. Subjects of this research are two classes of SMK N 3 Bandar Lampung. The finding shows that there is a significant difference in the increase of the score of experimental and control class after the students are taught through the methods. The t-value is 2.687 at the significant level of  0.009 which is lower than 0.05. Hence, it is concluded that applying the method of the modified think-pair-share based on suggestopedia principles can increase the students’ speaking achievement.

Transforming NGO Projects into Social Enterprise

Introduction: Non-Government Organization (NGO) is Non-Profit Organization founded to create social impact without looking for profit. NGOs are generally funded through charitable donations, however, many of those sources of funds have dried up. For sustainability, NGOs need to find ways to enhance their sustainability, diversify their income source and become less dependent on donors. This research will study Global Peace Foundation Indonesia using Gap Analysis to find how to transform an NGO into a Social Enterprise and the innovation of the business model needed.

Literature Review: This research benchmarks Fowler’s steps of social enterprise, Ann Mei Chang’s hybrid organization, and Burkett’s social business model.

Research Methodology: This research collects primary and secondary data through interviews, FGD, and desk research. The data obtained data from the collection methods will be processed and analyzed with a qualitative approach: logic model, PESTEL Analysis, and SWOT Analysis.

Result and Discussion: From the logic model of Global Peace Foundation Indonesia, can be seen that some projects can potentially be transformed into a social enterprise, and the nearest industry to those projects are Tourism Industry. Continuing the logic model analysis, PESTEL Analysis was done, and the result showed some positive opportunity in the tourism industry that relate to what Global Peace Foundation Indonesia value. As there’s a positive opportunity, SWOT Analysis was used to find the strategies to implement. Those Analyses were used to produce the Value Proposition Canvas and Social Business Model of Global Peace Foundation Indonesia.

Conclusion and Recommendation: Fowler’s steps of Social Enterprise are slightly different from the transforming steps of Global Peace Foundation Indonesia. This research can be used by other field affiliates of the Global Peace Foundation and other NGOs who want to transform into social enterprises too. Future research can focus on the assigning human resource and leadership to the transformation process.

Scriptural Theology in the Shaivasogata Religion in Bali

 Script for the Balinese people is not just a symbol of sound, but is considered a symbol of the birth of knowledge which is commemorated as Saraswati day. Deeper than that, the script is a symbol of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa and His manifestation. This study aims to reveal the theology of script in the Saiwasogata religion in Bali. The research data was collected through literature study, and analyzed by symbol theory. The result of this research is the script used to represent Saiwasogata theology in Bali. These scripts include the Pre-Nagari script and Pallawa script derivatives, namely Old Bali and New Balinese script. Currently, the New Balinese script is used more to represent Saiwasogata theology, classified into Wréastra, Swalalita, and Modré scripts. Based on the results of the analysis it can be stated that the script is used as a symbol to express the concept of divinity and the religious teachings of Shiwa and Buddha. In the Kasogatan religion in Bali, it is used to express the Tathāgata concept, using sacred scripts from éka scripts to Buddhist tenets and mantras that explain the Buddha as the true truth. The Buddha through his dharma advised that humans try to defeat māra and try to reach nirwana. In the Shiwaist religion, the script is also used as a symbol of God, including manifestations. This script is used as a medium to understand the essence of Shiwa Tattva. This concept is explained using sacred scripts from ékaksara to sodasaksara and mantras that explain Shiwa Tattva, is the philosophy of divinity and the universe. An understanding of Shiwa Tattva is needed so that Atmika Tattva tries to realize his own purity as a spark of God in order to achieve true happiness or moksha.

Exploring Investor Behavior and Decision Making in Alternative Investments

This paper presents a research study focusing on investor behaviour patterns and decision-making processes when selecting investment products and exploring alternative options, P2P lending and gold saving. The study also explores the potential attractiveness of banking as an investment option if banks can offer alternative products that are currently not available within the banking sector through collaborative banking with FinTech companies. By understanding investors’ perspectives and addressing their pain points, companies can propose solutions and develop effective marketing approaches that cater to their needs.

The research methodology employed a qualitative approach, involving in-depth interviews with ten respondents selected through purposive sampling. Data analysis was conducted using NVivo software. In conclusion, alternative investment products generate enthusiasm among investors as they offer convenience in managing their portfolios in one banking platform. Banking is perceived as the safest place to put the money compared to other investment platform. However, for banks to successfully cater to customer needs, it is crucial for banks to provide a user-friendly interface, performance review that allows for daily monitoring of investments, clear product info and tutorials, as well as protection for high-risk products like P2P lending.

The Impact of Work Motivation and Engagement on the Productivity: Case Study at Consumer Loan Account Officer

Consumer credit has emerged as the type of credit that leads most banks in Indonesia, including Bank Batara, which has made consumer credit the first pillar of its credit operation. However, taking into account the situations that have come about in the recent few periods, the quantity of consumer loan disbursement at Bank Batara genuinely reveals a minor average benefit in distribution compared to rival banks, despite the fact that the characteristics and credit terms offered remain largely the same, which suggests the differences in productivity issues within consumer credit divisions, particularly account officer productivity at Bank Batara.

The present study seeks to evaluate the effect of job motivation and employee engagement on employee work productivity. This study makes use of linear analytic methodologies to verify the hypothesis given. The findings gathered suggest that all variables are in dire straits. Partially, job motivation and employee engagement have a favourable and profound effect on employee work productivity. Likewise, simultaneously, job motivation and employee engagement have an enormous impact on employee work productivity.

Decision Analysis to Improve Company’s Time Utilization during Clove Harvest-Interval Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Situation Appraisal

Indonesia is a country that has very diverse natural resources, one of which is spices. Various kinds of spices such as cloves, nutmeg, ginger, turmeric, candlenut, pepper, cinnamon, and vanilla are what make Indonesian spices known worldwide and contribute to the country’s economy. Clove is a typical Indonesian spice originating from the Maluku islands (Ternate and Tidore). Currently, cloves have been cultivated in various regions in Indonesia, namely Java, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and others. Clove season in Indonesia occurs once or twice a year, namely from April to May and October to November. The farmers will harvest ripe clove flowers, then the clove flowers are dried in the sun and processed as raw materials for the production of cigarettes, cosmetics, and others. CV. Rempah Jaya is one of the leading and best clove suppliers in Indonesia. Especially variations of cloves such as whole cloves, clove oil, dried clove leaves, dried clove stems, and clove ash. Usually, the supply of cloves to the cigarette factory is held every few months in large quantities, so a lot of spare time is available before sending it to the factory. Therefore CV. Rempah Jaya needs the right work to be done when there is a time vacuum. The purpose of this study is to increase the time utilization of CV companies. Rempah Jaya during the clove harvest interval. In this study, a situation analysis was carried out using the Kepner-Tregoe method, then external and internal analysis was carried out using Mendelow’s Matrix and SWOT Analysis methods. After that, root cause analysis was carried out using Ishikawa Diagram. Then the decision-making process is carried out using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. From the results of the AHP method, alternative values were obtained for the three available criteria, namely oil distillation, spice mixtures, and collaboration with the food and beverage industry with values of 0.64, 0.19, and 0.17.

Infrastructure Spin-Off Decision in the Telecommunication Company: Project Valuation and AHP Analysis

The telecommunication industry faced a negative headwind due to the emergence of OTT (over the top) services, resulting in lower service prices, limited network-based services, and increased network capex. This led to a scissor effect, with significant growth in capex and stagnant revenue growth. To address this, European operators spun off the service telecommunication company (ServCo) and the telecommunications network provider company (InfraCo, NetCo, and FiberCo), a strategy in the consolidation of the telecommunications industry. One of leading Telco Company in South East Asia currently conducting a diversification strategy review to encourage growth by leveraging its market leadership in the FTTH (Fiber to the Home) business.

                  This study calculates the business potential and valuation of each potential scenario implemented by Telco Company using DCF and conducts a decision analysis using the AHP method to determine the most appropriate scenario. After calculating the projections and valuation, the authors conduct interviews with experts to weigh each criteria required and targeted by ServCo for analysis using AHP.

Enhancing the Competency Development Program for New Recruits: A Case Study at Internal Audit & Risk Management Function

The pandemic created unsettling vulnerability as organization accelerated the shift to digital operations. One bright spot is that asset misappropriation, while still a top category of fraud, was down in the last 24 months perhaps due to more employees working remotely, with limited access to company assets. At the same time, remote working increased risks beyond just digital security. Hence, it is important to have effective internal controls to identify and prevent any kind of fraud. The increasing need for recruiting strong internal audit and risk management functions especially in public company is due to several factors, including increased regulatory scrutiny, greater stakeholder demands for transparency and accountability, and the growing complexity of business operations. With the increasing number of public companies, there is a greater need for effective internal controls and risk management systems to ensure financial reporting accuracy, prevent fraud, and meet regulatory requirements. Internal audit and risk management improve governance, decision-making, and identify risks for organizations. Strong functions require adequate manpower, trained personnel, and resources for effective performance. Group Audit and Risk Management (GARM) in one of public company, working on Internal Audit and Risk Management (IARM). To ensure GARM fulfils its responsibilities as a corporate center, they define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are reviewed semi-annually by the Board of Directors (BOD). Unfortunately, one of the KPIs related to advisory and supporting roles, namely supporting the fulfilment of Group IARM manpower requirements, has not been met since 2013. The purpose of this study is to identify the root cause of the decrease in new recruit manpower fulfilment requests from Internal Audit and Risk Management functions in subsidiaries company and enhance the existing competency program in order to increase participation from Internal Audit and Risk Management functions. Using design thinking method and conducting in depth interview author may determine framework to enhance the programs that are more relevant to the competency needs.

Valuation of Software Agency for Pre IPO Using DCF and Relative Valuation Method (Study Case: PT XYZ)

An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a pivotal moment in a company’s life cycle. It’s a process where a private company offers its shares to the public in the capital market to raise funds. The move from private to public affecting the company to prepare for many changes, including increased supervision and the responsibility of delivering value to shareholders. However, before stepping on this significant IPO step, the company needs a clear understanding of various factors, which includes macroeconomic conditions, the dynamics of the market it operates in, and the company’s internal conditions. The company, PT XYZ, specializes in creating software solutions, a sector that is currently needed by a lot of company due to digitalization era. Fair share price for PT XYZ must be calculated when it goes public. In addition to understanding the macroeconomic condition, the Porter’s Five Forces framework is described to assess the competitive aspect in the market and potential opportunities. After analysing the external factors, the next step is doing in-depth internal analysis. This involved a SWOT analysis by identifying PT XYZ’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and an evaluation of the company’s financial health. The business solution proceeded to the valuation stage, using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method with Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE). This process involved making growth projections for the next decade. It anticipates that the company’s growth rate would eventually align with Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), serving as the long-term growth rate. To ensure a holistic evaluation, there must be a complementary valuation method, Relative Valuation. Three similar companies in the software sector were picked and their EV/EBITDA was used as a multiplier ratio. The two separate valuation methodologies led to two distinct results. Thus the average of these two methods can be proposed. Overvalued or undervalued share pricing can significantly affect investor decisions and the amount of funds raised from the IPO.