The Development of Environment-Based Visual Media to Enhance Learning Outcomes and Student Motivation in Science Course

Learning media plays a crucial role in education, especially in facilitating student understanding and motivation. In this era of rapid technological advancement, learning media has expanded to include various forms such as audio, visual, and multimedia. To enhance learning outcomes, teaching media needs to be utilized as a source of learning for students, including environmental media as a learning resource. Visual media is expected to improve students’ understanding of ecological theme concepts in line with the intended objectives. This study employs the Research and Development (RnD) method in developing learning media, requiring a suitable instructional model that aligns with the content’s characteristics. The ADDIE (Analysis – Design – Development – Implementation – Evaluation) development model is used in developing the Microsoft PowerPoint tutorial video media. Normality tests for the variables were conducted using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Based on the normality test results using SPSS 15 for Windows and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov technique, the values obtained were (0.120), (0.165), (0.114), and (0.127) with significance values of (0.200), (0.092), (0.200), and (0.200) respectively. When the significance level is set at 0.05, the significance values are more significant than 0.05. Subsequently, hypothesis testing (T-test) was conducted to determine the difference in using environment-based visual media between the control and experimental groups using the t-test formula. The t-test formula was used to determine the difference in students’ critical thinking abilities, both in the SPSS 20 for Windows calculation using Separated Variance, as the data exhibited non-homogeneity of variance. The hypothesis testing results indicate that the samples are non-homogeneous, with a calculated t-value of 6.833 and a significance level 0.000. When the significance level is 0.05, the significance value is much smaller than α. Thus, it can be concluded that environment-based visual media influences students’ learning motivation in the Science subject at grade 5 of SDN Kotakulon 2 Bondowoso. Based on the calculation and data analysis, it can be inferred that the hypothesis testing results support Ha (alternative hypothesis) and reject Ho (null hypothesis), meaning there is an influence between the variable (x) of environment-based visual media development and the variable (y) of student learning motivation.


Proposed Employee Retention Strategy as the Form of Employer Branding in an Educational Startup (Case: Vokraf)

The fast-changing of technology and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of aspects in the world, one of them is in the field of HRM. Thus, some adjustments are needed to be done by the companies so they can keep up with the industrial trend and demand. Vokraf is one of the educational startups in Indonesia established in 2019 and their products are selling online digital classes. Based on the interview result with the Vokraf’s HR department, there was a great resignation phenomenon happening from 2022 until mid-2023. In 2022 the employee resignation was 24 from 61 employees while per mid-2023, the employee resignation was 18 from 50 employees. This employee resignation somehow has impacted the company’s performance and should be overcome immediately. The author uses some factors that affecting the turnover intention from the previous research to identify what factors that triggering the employee turnover intention at Vokraf. The secondary data and primary data are being used to help the author in mapping and finding out those factors. Secondary data is sourced from 12 exit interview data while primary data is sourced from semi-structured interview with 9 Vokraf’s key informants. The key informants are chosen by using purposive sampling with snowball sampling technique. All the collected data are being analysed using the Interactive Model Analysis by Miles and Huberman (2014). The employee retention strategy will be proposed as the final step and the recommendation to the company to overcome this issue. There are five factors found that affecting the employee turnover intention at Vokraf, they are about career path, job stress, employee compensation, leader-member exchange, and supportive work environment issues. The author makes the employee retention strategy in the form of implementation plan & implication timeline starts from June 2023 – June 2024.

CSR Program Social Return on Investment Analysis Case Study: PT PLN Indonesia Power PLTGU Cilegon OMU

Responsibility and sustainability play a larger role in the activities of global businesses. The practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be used to promote more responsible and sustainable behavior. PT PLN Indonesia Power PLTGU Cilegon OMU is a sub holding of an Indonesian state-owned corporation committed to fostering a responsible and sustainable culture through CSR. The old CSR program in Margasari village, the company’s first ring area, must be replaced because it has come to its exit time. Based on the Social Mapping Document 2022 and interviews, a SWOT analysis is conducted taking into account the current situation of the community. The analysis indicates that a new sewing group named Pujasari could be implemented as the new CSR program in the village of Margasari. Nevertheless, since a CSR program is a social investment, the company must be confident in the program’s future return for the community. This study aims to determine the program’s economic feasibility, Social Return on Investment (SROI) value, variables that may influence SROI achievement, and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In calculating SROI, the triple bottom line concept will be used, while the economic feasibility will use capital budgeting method. A sensitivity analysis will be conducted to determine the critical variable for achieving SROI. The study demonstrates that the calculation utilizing the triple bottom line concept (considering economic, social, and environmental benefit) over a 5-year project period yields an NPV of IDR 1,988 mio, an IRR of 109%, with a WACC of 13.349%. The program’s SROI is 20.39, indicating that for every IDR 1 invested by the company in this program, IDR 20.39 in social benefit will be generated. Analysis of sensitivity reveals that WACC, the selling price of rags, working productivity, and price of rag primary materials are, in order, the most sensitive variables affecting the project’s SROI value. In addition, the program demonstrates contribution to SDGs 1, 5, 8, 12, and 13.

Analysis on the Impact of Company Employer Branding with the Desire of Generation Z in Choosing Their Workplace: A Case Study of PT BRI

Generation Z’s entry into the workforce has shifted perspectives on work. They have clear job expectations and are more demanding, seeking fulfillment, purpose, and a better quality of life. Employers who prioritize these needs will attract and retain Generation Z, shaping the future of work. They are technologically adept, socially aware, and engaged in global issues. Despite uncertain times due to the pandemic, rapid technological growth, and potential economic recessions, Gen Z enters the workforce with clear job expectations. The primary research objective is to develop employer branding strategies that align with the values and expectations of Gen Z. The methodology used in this research is Interactive Model Analysis to know what the important factor for Gen Z is according to Employer Attractiveness Scale (EmpAt). Primary data are acquired by doing an in-depth interview with several employee of PT BRI and also from external that is Gen Z who are currently working in a startup. This research revealed that from 5 dimensions of EmpAt, the most important one to explore is Safety Values because it is one of the benefits of working in BUMN company.

Key Factors Influencing the Adoption of Building Information Modeling at PT. Penta Rekayasa

This study aims to uncover key factors influencing adoption process of BIM technology in an engineering consultant firm, Penta Rekayasa. The research employs mixed-methods approach combining quantitative analysis and qualitative input from industry experts and user judgement. A comprehensive of reviewing existing literature used to design a conceptual framework. A modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) chosen as a main landing theory to design conceptual framework. Additionally, seven main constructs identified to influence usage behavior along with seven hypotheses proposed: Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Social Influence (SI), Organizational Support (OS), Resistance to Change (RC), Facilitating Condition (FC) and Behavioral Intention (BI). Primary data is collected using questionnaire and semi-structure interview, further analysis is carried out utilizing SmartPLS software’s Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) and thematic analysis for interview analysis. The findings demonstrate that four major constructs are regarded as influencing factors in the Penta BIM adoption process: Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Resistance to Change (RC), and Behavioral Intention (BI). Other three are neither supported as the path coefficient, p-values and t-values threshold is exceed. The result of thematic analysis using Braun & Clarke’s six-phase framework show three main problems arises that negatively influence the adoption process: Social influence and organizational support – unsupportive figure; Resistance to change – Penta’s employee resist to change; and facilitating condition – socialization and training importance. Based on user judgement, theories or practical article, and expert opinion; business solutions are proposed: Develop training and development system that can be used for BIM and future training; budgeting external education include seminar or bootcamp; Held internal meeting with stakeholders to increase the employee engagement and aligned goals with high management profile figure. For a long-term goal, Penta may also consider to develop BIM division in order to increase the speed of project completion. Lastly, the actionable schedule of implementation plan is proposed based on internal recommendation, project design life cycle, and working schedule to ensure the effectiveness of the program.

The Effect of Caffeine Consumption on Teenager’s Mental Health in Bangkok, Thailand

Nowadays, caffeinated drinks play a significant role not only for adults but also for teenagers. Some teenagers believe that it will help them with their school tasks, such as exams, projects, and more. Many research projects have also claimed that caffeine can help people become more energized and less tired [10]. Along with mental health, indicating that it is important, it is vital to maintain good mental health since it can make a huge impact on our daily lives [7]. We are curious about the relationship between caffeine consumption and teenagers’ mental health. So we decided to conduct a survey on teenagers ages 13-18. The data was collected online using Google Form and by sending questionnaires about the effect of caffeine consumption on teenager’s mental health in Bangkok, Thailand. We have gathered a total of 150 responses from students in grades between 7 and 12 mostly from Bangkok. Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 29 was used for data analysis. The results have shown that there is a slight significant effect of caffeinated drinks on teenager’s mental health, which involves the times of the day teenagers prefer to drink caffeinated drinks (p-value = 0.001). Despite the consumption period,  the types of caffeinated drinks teenagers prefer (p-value = 0.163) and the participant’s grade level (p-value = 0.448) may have also affected adolescents too. Moreover, the result of this research came out that caffeinated drinks have nearly no effect on teenager’s mental health, but they do have an effect specifically on the period of time that the teenagers consume caffeinated drinks. From our data, we can conclude that caffeinated drinks, especially tea, will significantly affect teenagers’ mental health if consumed after lunch (afternoon). This research will help raise awareness on the effect of caffeinated drinks on teenagers ages 13-18 on their mental health and also provides us with more information for further research.

Exploring and Designing Employee Training and Development Programs for SMEs in Jabodetabek and Bandung

This study gives a general overview of the training and development programs available to SMEs in Bandung and Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi). The problem that SMEs in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) and Bandung is a lack of productivity and abilities, as well as resource limitations that make the business undergo difficult times. To assure the reliability and validity of the research, a qualitative methodology is employed. To gain insight into their perceptions, experiences, and expectations regarding training and development programs, the researcher determines to conduct interviews with business owners, managers, and employees. There are suggestions and feedback from respondents regarding how to enhance training, started with available resources, time constraints, and the diverse learning preferences of the owner and employee to ensure maximum effectiveness. By implementing this type of training, SME employees can increase their skills and knowledge, boost their productivity, and ultimately contribute to the development and competitiveness of their business. Additionally, this research provides more valuable insights and strategies for SME training and development programs.

Will Merger of PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II Maximise The Value of Shareholders?

The government’s program of restructuring state-owned enterprises continues to this day. From 2016 to March 2022, the number of SOE continuously decrease. In March 2022, the number of SOEs only 41 companies. The number of SOEs has reduced by 52.87% from the previous year. The plan will continue in 2023 by cutting 41 companies to 30 companies and operating in 12 clusters. PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II are the following plans for restructuring state-owned enterprises. The merger of the two companies is expected to provide synergy opportunities in operational efficiency. The results showed synergy between PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II. Based on calculations using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method, the company value of PT Angkasa Pura I is IDR 4,169,267 and the company value of PT Angkasa Pura II is IDR 9,784,469 with a total combined company value of IDR 13,953,736. While the value of the two companies when synergizing is IDR 25,051,653. The synergy value obtained for both companies is IDR 11,097,917.

By determining the premium value of 40% – 60%, the premium value reaches IDR 1,667,707 – IDR 2,501,560. Therefore, within this premium value range, the purchase price is IDR 5,836,974 – IDR 6,670,827. The merger between PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II can potentially maximize shareholder value in the IDR 4,427,090 – IDR 5,260,943 range.

Analysis using Discounted Cash Flow for the two companies proves that there is a synergy resulting from the proposed merger between PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II.

Proposing Business Growth of PT. DECRA Group Indonesia through Knowledge Management

The informatics industry market has shown promising growth in the post-COVID era, presenting certification companies with lucrative business opportunities. The informatics market’s GDP growth rate ranks fourth among other fastest-growing industries in Indonesia, demonstrating a 7.19% increase from 2022 to 2023. PT. DECRA Group Indonesia, a certification company, have intention to penetrate a new market which is IT Industry. Knowledge plays a crucial role in the certification process, especially ISO auditors are required extensive knowledge across various business types. Therefore, this research focuses on exploring the role of knowledge management in supporting the growth of PT. DECRA Group Indonesia. The study aims to investigate how knowledge management approaches can enable DECRA Group Indonesia to improve their resources and capitalize on the IT market. The data collection method in this research involves gathering qualitative data through interviews with the business owner and HR manager as the primary sources. These interviews aim to gain an in-depth understanding of their perspectives on the company’s business growth. Additionally, secondary data sources such as the company’s website, competence review forms, and lists of employee competencies will be utilized to supplement the research. The analysis employs Goal-Analysis approach using Fishbone Diagram model to identify what key areas in achieving company’s goals. Building upon the analysis, KM Framework Table is constructed based on the People, Process, and Technology for each improvement that need to be made. Then SECI Model, derived from the KM Framework Table, guides the implementation of knowledge management practices, facilitating the conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge to foster innovation and organizational learning. Furthermore, to ensure successful implementation in SECI model, an Integrated Learning Cycle model is developed, which takes into consideration the communication channels and learning processes that are crucial for the effective knowledge transfer and acquisition. To facilitate the practical implementation of knowledge management strategies, a KM Roadmap is developed by providing a simple-structured approach for DECRA in aligning its people, processes, and technology considerations to support knowledge management initiatives. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the critical role of knowledge management in driving business growth for PT. DECRA Group Indonesia, enabling the company to enhance its internal operations, develop competencies, capitalize IT market successfully, and leverage knowledge as a strategic asset for sustained innovation and competitive advantage.

Proposed Business Strategy for New Healthcare Innovation of Electro-Capacitive Body Stimulation (ECBS) Technology

One of the greatest healthcare challenges in Indonesia is providing an adequate environment and healthcare infrastructure that ensures that people obtain the best treatment that conforms to their expectations, preferences, and needs. Therefore, healthcare technology players have a crucial role in overcoming this challenge and creating a better solution to the system. Electro Capacitive Body Stimulation (ECBS) is a technology that utilizes electric pulses to stimulate the body’s muscles and organs to optimize waste removal and nutrient transport process. As a result, the body will be conducive to physical well-being. For the elderly, who start to experience slowing down in physical ability and degeneration of organ functions, this technology is beneficial to maintain their health condition and prevent future chronic disease. However, the market performance is not live up to the fineness of this technology, even with all its benefits and technological advancement. As a matter of fact, sales have been disappointing by the year since the product is launched to the public. A number of factors contributed to this unsatisfactory sale encompassing internal and external conditions of the company. Through the analysis of internal and external environments as well as primary and secondary data, research is conducted to identify the contributing factors to the unsatisfactory sales and potential value of the technology. Based on the analysis and findings, a SWOT analysis that defines the unsatisfactory business performance factors and potential technology value and the TOWS matrix that bases the business strategy can be described. It includes the diamond model, STP and 7PS marketing, and business model canvas as the proposed solution for the business.