Valuation of GoTo Post-Merger: Analysis of the Key Drivers

The pandemic has led to significant growth in Indonesia’s digital economy, with e-commerce and on-demand services driving growth. However, many startups go public before achieving profitability, raising concerns about their long-term financial sustainability. PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk., an Indonesian startup, went public in April 2022 but experienced a 75% decline in share price by December. This research aims to identify potential strategies to improve GoTo’s profitability, determine implementation methods, assess intrinsic value, and analyze associated risks. The research design process includes a literature review, data collection, and financial projections using the Discounted Cash Flow method. Horizontal integration through mergers and acquisitions holds the greatest potential to enhance GoTo’s profitability. Implementing this strategy requires sustainable revenue growth, strategic investments, and rigorous cost management practices. GoTo must prioritize sustainable revenue growth, strategic investments, and cost reduction strategies to achieve its strategic objectives.

Application of Marketing Mix in Rental Company (Case Study of Pt. Asialog)

: Since the change into new century, United nations has promoting several urgent matters for improving humanity as whole. One of the point is the severance of climate change, in which affecting all daily activities including business. The matter has force government to enforce more strict regulation for reducing the cause of climate change, one of the main cause is the reducing of planet earth’s green area. Therefore, it affecting all business operation of forest company. In addition, the matter becoming much worst due to massive illegal logging and other acts of reducing forest without responsibilities to mend the damage. The affected companies including PT. ASIALOG are experiencing in lower revenue, this circumstance push the company to finding alternative business opportunity.

It author goal to formulating marketing strategy with finding strong alternative product for the company. nevertheless, there are several critical points to address, the company declare specific request for the alternative business limited to current company’s area of operation. Second, the alternative business should based on company’s tugboat and barge assets.

In this research, the method author used is qualitative research through structured interviews with various stakeholders in the industry and framework used is marketing mix 7Ps with preliminary framework of STP (Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning). The main point is compare target market of current PT. ASIALOG with alternative business of tugboat and barge using Porter’s five forces template. Following the study, author find alternative business of tugboat and barge for PT ASIALOG is competitive sound and profitable in long term. Based on Porter’s five forces analysis, aspects with high threat level of current business is 21 compare to alternative business of tugboat and barge with 5 aspects. Following the target market analysis, author purposing brand positioning using brand concept image management. The brand image divide into two aspects of functional and symbolic to formulating marketing strategy using marketing mix 7Ps. Overall, author conclude that the alternative business for PT. ASIALOG is competitive and profitable in long term.

ESG Integration into Company Valuation: Case Study of PT Surya Energi Indotama

The commitment of Indonesia to the Paris Agreement has prompted the government to issue regulations supporting the development of renewable energy in the country. Utilizing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria allows investors to align their values with their investments and effectively evaluate a company’s risk management capabilities. Companies that prioritize ESG principles, particularly those involved in renewable energy production, can seize opportunities arising from this situation. PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI), a company that has not engaged in equity funding before, aims to capitalize on these opportunities. To assess the value of PT SEI, both absolute valuation and relative valuation methods are employed. Recognizing the potential of ESG factors to enhance company value, the author implements the Value Driven Adjustment approach and incorporates the SASB industry ESG standard. The valuation analysis reveals a potential valuation increase of up to 30%.

Marketing Communication Strategy to Strengthen Brand Awareness: Case of K Commerce in Indonesia

This research outlines a strategy for increasing K Commerce’s awareness of the brand in Indonesia’s competitive eCommerce landscape, specifically in the Jabodetabek region. An integrated marketing communication approach combining segmentation, targeting, positioning, values laddering, and the PDB triangle is offered using Kotler’s STP model and differentiation concept. The findings of the study highlight a positioning and differentiation approach based on customer centricity, trust, innovation, and enjoyment. The importance of optimal content, context, and infrastructure is emphasized. Proposed taglines capture K Commerce’s brand spirit, and the marketing communication strategy devised plans to overcome the awareness-appeal gap, placing K Commerce as a top brand choice among Millennials and Generation Z. This research will be used to improve K Commerce’s awareness and position in eCommerce.

Farmer Attitudes on Farmer Behavior in Adopting Innovation of Rice Planting (Transplanter) In the Seputih Agung Subdistrict

The use of mechanization in agriculture in addition to increasing rice productivity can also be a strategy in overcoming labor scarcity as well as the use of technology and the adoption of the transition from using traditional tools to modern tools. The transplanter machine is a new innovation for some people in Central Lampung Regency, such as in Seputih Agung District, which is one of the sub-districts that received transplanter assistance from the government which is expected to be implemented by farmers on their farming land. Transplanter machine technology if adopted by farmers is very profitable, because it can facilitate the planting of rice seeds, speed up work time, is effective, and also saves production costs for the planting process. The behavior of farmers in adopting transplanters is formed through the level of knowledge they have which will affect farmers in determining their attitude to accept and implement an innovation. The objectives in this study were to determine farmers’ attitudes towards transplanter innovation adoption, determine farmer behavior in adopting transplanter innovation and analyze the effect of farmers’ attitudes towards transplanter innovation adoption. This research was conducted in January 2023 in Seputih Agung District, Central Lampung Regency for farmers who are members of farmer groups receiving transplanter machine assistance with 70 respondents. The research method used is quantitative descriptive with statistical analysis of Partial Least Square (PLS) assisted through SmartPLS Software version 3.0. The results showed that the cognitive attitudes of farmers were included in the fairly high category, which means that farmers had sufficient knowledge about rice transplanter machines. The affective attitude of farmers is included in the high enough category, which means that the affective attitude is sufficient to provide support for the attitude of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations. The conative attitude of farmers is included in the fairly high enough category, which means attitudes that tend to be followers or imitators. This also happened in Seputih Agung Subdistrict, farmers wanted to use the transplanter machine if many farmers had used it and acknowledged the benefits they would get. The behavior of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations as measured by selecting seeds and selecting seeds, making nurseries in dapog, setting spacing, setting soil depth, and setting the number of seeds is included in the moderate category. The results of the analysis of the variable attitude of farmers towards the behavior of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations have a significant influence, these results indicate that the greater the attitude of farmers is able to increase the behavior of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations.

A Cross-Case Analysis Study on Scrum Culture Adoption in Three Digital Startups

Indonesian startups actively embrace Agile development, but implementation can be difficult due to complexity, rapid change, and ambiguity. Scrum, the most popular Agile methodology, assists organizations in dealing with issues that arise during product development. Cultivating a Scrum culture can also take time, but truly implementing it can increase productivity, product quality, and customer satisfaction. Many businesses embrace Agile without first assessing their values and principles, resulting in poor performance. This study investigates how the value of Scrum is quantified and applied to digital startups, with the goal of understanding metric results for evaluation and recommending a better implementation of Scrum culture. A cross-case analysis study was conducted on three digital startups in Indonesia, with data collected through interviews. To evaluate and enhance Scrum implementation, a Values, Goals, Questions, and Metrics (VGQM) model developed from Scrum values was presented. Businesses demonstrated the same strengths in commitment and focus for Scrum values but needed continuous improvement in different values of respect, openness, and courage for better prioritizing requests and delivering feedback. Based on the findings, recommendations were made, including extensive training, cross-functional collaboration, assessing tools and processes, and establishing clear boundaries for customer satisfaction and productive work. Improving product backlog management and employing effective Scrum tools were also mentioned. There are no metrics used by the companies in order to evaluate scrum culture implementation in their organizations. The study suggests constantly retaining those values, while continuously improving the values of openness and courage.

Designing a Performance Management Strategy to Retain Employees in an IT Consulting Startup

In today’s competitive business environment, attracting and retaining top talent is a significant challenge. Developing an excellent employer branding strategy that aligns with an effective performance management strategy is critical to achieving these objectives. Regular performance appraisal is one measure that can enhance employee engagement by providing clarity about roles and responsibilities. Indonesia is expected to face a talent shortage of about nine million skilled and semi-skilled professionals between 2018 and 2030. Retaining top employees is crucial, and factors such as compensation, development opportunities, collaboration, workload, and feedback are critical to employee performance. A proposed performance management strategy for the IT Consulting Startup includes developing performance objectives, differentiated compensation, and regular feedback. By implementing these recommendations, the startup can retain top talent, create a positive workplace culture, and drive organizational success.

Sensible Factors that Need Strategic Change to Improve the Medical Drug Availability across Healthcare Institutions in Sri Lanka

Access to medicines remains a major obstacle for people across the world to maintain their health at a desired level. Ensuring an adequate supply of safe and effective drugs of acceptable quality is an integral part of the health policy of Sri Lanka. The medical supplies division is the sole organization responsible for providing all pharmaceuticals, surgical items, laboratory items, radioactive items, and printed materials for government sector healthcare institutions. The establishment of an independent drug regulation authority, the Declaration of a national essential drug list, the establishment of a separate drug procurement entity, Pooled procurement, digitalization of drug management, and expansion of drug storage capacity are key strategies that have been implemented by the Ministry of Health to minimize the drug shortages across the healthcare institutions of Sri Lanka.  Despite the implemented strategies drug shortage continue to evolve from time to time as a public outcry in the media. This case study describes the critical issues that need to look at more strategically to improve drug availability.

Proposed Marketing Strategies for Increase Sales by Increasing Purchase Intention for Vokraf Classes

Industry 4.0 may result in the loss of 35% of jobs over the next five years due to the greater utilisation of digitization, as stated by Monovatra Predy Rezky (2019). It is possible that this number will approach 75% within the next ten years. The replacement of human labour by automated technologies and ever-more complicated algorithms is happening at an alarming rate. Because of this, the production process will become more efficient, and there will be a lower need for people in the distribution phase. The transition of industries requires the teaching and retraining of human resources in order to be successful. The technologies of Industry 4.0 require a specific set of skills and areas of knowledge from its users. Vokraf solves these issues by offering lessons in creative sectors to solve individual issues, give possibilities for potential students, and improve online education systems. The purchase intention of Vokraf has been hampered by poor marketing and promotional efforts. It’s possible that the platform is not reaching its intended audience, which may discourage course enrollment. The objective of this research is to determine the factors that influence purchase intent for this company and to recommend marketing strategies that will increase sales of Vokraf class. This study will include both quantitative and qualitative research techniques. As part of the quantitative techniques, a questionnaire will be sent to the respondent who could end up being a customer, the results of this survey questionnaire as supporting data for the author for the study, which was preceded by literature data and internal and external analysis. The result of this research Vokraf purchasing intention factors. Brand Awareness, Advertising, and Sales Promotion strongly affect purchasing intention. Vokraf’s online educational platform must leverage its knowledge to deliver courses that satisfy its target audience’s demands and interests for brand promotion. Vokraf’s online educational platform must meet its target audience’s needs for brand promotion. Vokraf may adjust its social media strategy to its brand, market, and advertising goals. Showcase Vokraf’s engaging personalised lessons. Vokraf may offer many payment and pricing tiers for different consumer groups and budgets to lessen customer financial strain for sales promotion. Vokraf sells personalised education via social media. Cost and payment options allow Vokraf to enrol more students. As internet infrastructure improved, Vokraf increased their online advertising reach. Affordability may diminish market competition. Specialists and customised training help Vokraf compete with other platform.

Proposed Business Strategy for Company X

In 2019, Covid outbreak affect business situation that leads to decline due to lockdown and economic fall. However, Covid-19 pandemic create opportunity for IT sector to grow. Reflect the situation, in 2020 to 2021, company X suffered loss in income as of minus 903,167,461 rupiahs. The company suffer 5.33% and 9.16% revenue decrease in 2021 and 2022, and target revenue was not achieved. This research is conducted to assess internal and external factors that affect company X profitability and formulate strategy based on the problem occurred. This research is using qualitative approach with data collected through literature review, observation, and in-depth interviews with company X.