Promoting Inclusiveness for Organic Rice Value Chain in Bumdesa Mukti Saluyu

Organic agriculture promotion could be a potential approach for eliminating fertilizer subsidies in Indonesia. Indonesia is the world’s third-largest producer of rice, and rice is a staple meal for most of the population. The Kanem Farmers Group operates 12,5 hectares of organic land for growing organic rice in the Sumedang Regency.  The operations of BUMDesa Mukti Saluyu are founded on the concept of social entrepreneurship to boost the potential of villages. The main concern of BUMDesa Mukti Saluyu is the insufficient potential of organic rice in Cikurubuk Village, which necessitates strategic planning to establish a competitive advantage and organizational capacities for participating in the organic rice value chain while maintaining its vision of improving the economic well-being in the farmer society.  The study employs both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. In the investigation of the outcomes produced from the in-depth interview, the qualitative data analysis method will employ the Interactive model developed by Miles and Huberman. The quantitative analysis makes use of technical abilities and value-added evaluation. Based on the analysis, promoting inclusivity is key to developing a competitive advantage for BUMDesa Mukti Saluyu. Recognizing the significance of collaboration with multiple stakeholders, BUMDesa Mukti Saluyu must conduct an integration of stakeholders involved in the organic rice value chain. Farmers, agribusiness companies, processors, distributors, and consumers play vital roles. The enabling environment, encompassing policies, standards, and investments, influence sustainable production practices and market access. The current integrated model provides a comprehensive framework to increase smallholder farmers’ participation in the organic rice value chain through project delineation and policy interventions.

Proposed Relationship Marketing Strategy for Used Car Dealer

Indonesia has been one of Southeast Asia’s largest used car markets. Approximately 2.5-3 million used cars are sold annually. The increased competition in the automotive industry has heightened the emphasis on improving customer relationships. ABC Showroom (pseudonym) is a local used car dealer in Bukittinggi currently facing unsatisfactory sales performance and lacking relationship marketing strategy. The aim of this research is to formulate the relationship marketing strategy for ABC Showroom and find out whether the strategy differs amongst its customer persona.

Internal analysis and external analysis are conducted to formulate the strategy. The internal analysis consists of marketing mix (7P) and STP analysis. The external analysis includes PEST analysis and competitor analysis. A quantitative approach using a survey is carried out to collect information on target market preferences regarding the proposed relationship marketing strategy, specifically personal selling, personalization, and after-sale service. The total of respondents obtained in this research is 240 respondents. The Two-step clustering analysis is conducted to build the customer persona of ABC Showroom. Analysis continued by conducting the Kruskal-Wallis test to find out if the proposed strategies differ amongst customer persona.

Based on the result of the Kruskal-Wallis test, the proposed strategies do not differ amongst customer persona. Findings on internal analysis and external analysis are summarized with a SWOT matrix. Then the TOWS matrix is used to assist the author in formulating the relationship marketing strategy while tailoring it with the survey result. The relationship marketing strategies proposed includes improving salesperson performance by providing target and uniform, providing remarkable test drive experience, providing proactive and caring customer service, providing personalized offers and car products, and providing after-sales services such as warranty, repair, and maintenance service, car ownership transfer and vehicle plate transfer assistance, and car tax payment assistance.

Determinants of Musculoskeletal Disorders Complaints in Songket Weaving Processers

Songket weaving artisans is a job that needs special attention because the process still uses traditional high-risk looms. The initial survey showed that 9 out of 10 artisans experienced muscle and skeletal complaints, known as Musculoskeletal Disorders. This study aims to determine the relationship between individual characteristics and occupational factors with MSD complaints in Pandai Sikek songket weaving artisans. This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Conducted from December 2021 – June 2022 to 77 respondents. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling. Data processing uses univariate and bivariate analysis with a chi-square test with an α value of 5%. The results showed that 53.2% of songket weaving artisans experienced moderate risk MSDs complaints, 64.9% of artisans were classified as lack of exercise, 36% of artisans were classified as having BMI abnormal, 24.7% of artisans were classified as having risky working duration, and 76.6% of artisans’ working posture is classified as high risk. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that the variables associated with MSD complaints were age (p=0.000), years of service (p=0.000), exercise habits (p=0.020), BMI (p=0.012), duration of work (p=0.001), and work posture (p=0.028). There is a relationship between age, years of service, sports habits, BMI, duration of work, and work posture with MSDs complaints. Artisans are expected to stretch before, during, and after work. Nagari is expected to reach out to artisans regarding applying K3 when weaving.


Analysis of Social Support, Customer Review Quality, Social Commerce Trust on E-Commerce Satisfaction Study Tokopedia in Indonesia

This study aims to determine how social support, customer review quality, social commerce trust, and e-commerce satisfaction are at Tokopedia Indonesia. The authors choose Tokopedia because Tokopedia is an e-commerce from Indonesia and is influential not only in Indonesia but in Southeast Asia. Tokopedia also supports Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises and individuals to develop their businesses by marketing their products online with the Government and other parties.

The method used for this research is quantitative. It was then analyzed using the PLS technique, factor analysis, and hypothesis testing. The unit of analysis in this study is the consumer from Tokopedia.

The data support hypothesis H1 that social support has a positive effect on social commerce trust, H2 supports the hypothesis that customer review quality has a positive influence on social commerce trust, as well as H3 supports the idea that social commerce trust has a positive effect on e-commerce satisfaction.

Numbered Heads Together based on Contextual Teaching and Learning to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension

This research aims to find out the significance difference in the reading comprehension of students taught through original NHT and through modified NHT based on CTL. This is a quasi-experimental research design that conducts a quantitative method. The subjects of this research are two classes of SMPN 30 Bandar Lampung in. Furthermore, the researcher collected the data using reading test in form of multiple choices. Then, the researcher analyzed using independent sample t-test. The finding shows that there is a significant difference between experimental and control class with the significant level 0.015. Hence, this suggests that teaching reading using modified NHT based on CTL can improve students reading comprehension achievement.

Energy–Saving Compositions of Masses of Ceramic Tiles from the Raw Material Resources of the Lower Amudarya Region

The article investigates the physical and mechanical properties of ceramic tiles obtained from the raw materials of the Lower Amudarya region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, such as clay of the Kulatau deposit and dune sand of the Tuprakkala massif.

Based on the results of laboratory and pilot production tests, it was found that the obtained unglazed facade and floor tiles based on the developed optimal composition M–7 and glazed facing and facade tiles based on the developed optimal composition M–9, consisting of clay from the Kulatau deposit and dune sand of the Tuprakkala massif in terms of physical and mechanical properties satisfy the established requirements of the relevant GOSTs.

Implementation of Islamic Education Values in Notary Families in Palu City Indonesia

This study discusses the Implementation of the values of Islamic Education in the Palu City Notary family. This study used is a qualitative method with data gathering using field observational, in-depth interviews, and written material analysis. The data was then analyzed using inductive, dedicated and comparative analysis. The results of the study revealed that the Muslim Notary families in Palu City understands and implements of Islamic education values. Muslim notary families apply and practice the values of Islamic education include the values of Aqidah and Morals. Islamic values are implemented in their professional life and in their families. The result of Islamic education and values implementation are reflected in feeling of fear to Allah which means to have feelings in the heart of Allah.  The person who fears Allah the most is the person who knows and realizes himself the most.  Continuous training is needed to increase listening to religious advice originating from the Al-Qur’an and Hadith. Hoping to Allah that all the good deeds that we are about to do will receive the pleasure of Allah and be accepted as a pious child and Allah will forgive sins.  By hoping in Allah, humans are required to try to increase their faith and increase good deeds both to Allah and fellow human beings. 6). Praying too much for forgiveness so that the sins that have already been done will receive forgiveness from Allah SWT.

Empowering Women through Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion: Lesson Learned From Pandemic Impact

This study examines the impact of financial literacy and financial inclusion on women’s empowerment, since it is crucial for gender equality and sustainable development. This research method involves collecting primary data through questionnaires distributed to a sample of housewives who live in West Java. Secondary data is also used to support the analysis. Variables analyzed include women’s financial literacy, planning, decision-making, crisis, financial inclusion, and women empowerment. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Findings will shed light on the role of financial literacy and inclusion in women’s empowerment, aiding policy efforts to enhance access to financial services and increase women’s economic participation.

Proposed Farm Information Management System Design and Database Management for Recommendation Fertilizer and Financial Record Feature

This study proposes a comprehensive Farm Information Management System (FIMS) design and database management strategy for addressing the specific requirements of Indonesian agriculture, with a particular emphasis on fertilizer recommendation and financial record management. The study employs the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology as a framework for directing the system’s design, development, and implementation. The goal of the FIMS is to provide producers with a user-friendly interface to access accurate fertilizer recommendations based on crop-specific requirements and local soil conditions. Additionally, the system includes a robust financial record function to aid producers in effectively managing their income, expenses, and investments. The proposed SDLC-based approach assures a structured and methodical development process, including requirements analysis, system design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Using the SDLC methodology, this study seeks to develop a scalable, secure, and interoperable FIMS that can be effectively integrated into Indonesia’s existing agricultural infrastructure. The effectiveness and usability of the proposed system will be determined through extensive testing and evaluation to ensure its suitability and functionality in actual agricultural contexts. Ultimately, the proposed Farm Information Management System, developed using the SDLC method, aims to empower Indonesian farmers with optimized fertilizer recommendations and streamlined financial record management, thereby contributing to sustainable agriculture practices, and enhanced economic incomes for the nations.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention of Sliced Tobacco for PT. Taru Martani 1918

Tobacco is a leading agricultural commodity in Indonesia. So that it can improve the national economy and improve the welfare of local farmers. Cigarette consumers in Indonesia are very high because people in Indonesia have a smoking culture that has been passed down from generation to generation until today. This triggers the development of cigarette companies in the market. PT Taru Martani is a tobacco company that produces sliced tobacco and cigars. PT Taru Martani has been operating since 1918. However, brand awareness at PT Taru Martani is still low. Therefore, this study aims to obtain a strategy to increase brand awareness and purchase intention at PT Taru Martani. The external analysis used by the author is PESTLE analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, customer analysis, and competitor analysis. While the internal analysis uses marketing mix analysis, VRIO analysis, and STP analysis. Then internal and external factors were analyzed using SWOT analysis, TOWS analysis, and QSPM analysis.

Based on the results of the research, it is known that the causes of problems at Taru Martani are: lack of brand awareness, the use of digital platforms that are not optimal, and product distribution that is not widely distributed. The strategies generated based on the analysis are marketing strategies based on culture and lifestyle, increasing and expanding promotional activities by utilizing social media platforms and online marketing channels to increase visibility and brand awareness, increase product information updates and communicate the advantages of Taru Martani products to consumers, expand networks distribution, focus on product and service quality, as well as discount and promotional offer strategies.