Optical Pulse Compression in Fibre

Optical pulse compression using similariton propagation in an optical fibre with decreasing dispersion has been demonstrated for the first time. This compression scheme is a practical application of the sech-similariton solution to the generalized nonlinear schrodinger equation(NLSE) with distributed coefficients recently found using the self similarity technique. The fibre with a decreasing dispersion profile is constructed using the comb-profile approximation technique and different variations of the technique have been developed to improve the accuracy of the approximation.

A Teaching Model for Undergraduates Based on Program Outcomes: A Survey on the Teaching and Learning Process at Ba Ria – Vung Tau University

The paper proposes how to build a teaching model that combines subject’s outcome standards, lesson plans, assessment and technology-based approach to better support students’ self-regulated learning (SSRL). The formative assessment method is combined with the summative assessment method in the teaching process with the goal of meeting the maximum output standards of the course objectives built for the course. The lesson plan is designed to be flexible in combination with technology to help students’ self-regulated learning and achieve the subject objectives in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes. The paper surveys second-year students at Ba Ria – Vung Tau University. Results from observations and surveys show that lecturers have not been able to link the above these factors to help students achieve all three outcome standards of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Natural Dye from Nerium oleander L. and Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics Using Different Mordants with Evaluation of Colour Fastness, Strength and Antifungal Properties

Globally, there is growing demand in natural colourants from plants in the food, cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical fields. Generally, among the various categories of secondary metabolites, carotenoids, anthocyanins, and phenols are significant plant-based pigments. Coloured pigments possess remarkable anthocyanin related to anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-metastatic features. The major objective of this work was to elucidate the coloured pigments from Nerium oleander L. ornamental flowering shrub and its dying properties in cotton fabrics.  Natural dye from flower methanolic extract of Nerium oleander was extracted. Dying experiment on bleached (H2O2) cotton fabric with density of 140 g / square meter was used. Pre, simultaneous and post -mordanting action of cotton fabric samples were carried out using 1-3 % of various metallic salts such as ferrous sulphate, potassium dichromate, stannous chloride, potassium aluminium sulfate. Color strength of the dyed samples for different dyeing condition was assessed by means of K/S value. Best color strength was yielded for the samples dyed with N. oleander which were mordanted with Potassium aluminium sulfate and FeSO4. Color fastness of the selected dyed samples to water, washing, perspiration and rubbing were also ideal. In all cases mordanted samples with Potassium aluminium sulfate and FeSO4 exhibited best results with simultaneous or post mordanting respectively. This results justifies designing a sustainable technology for mobilizing the usage of N. oleander for coloration of cotton fabrics. Fungicidal potential against A. flavus, A. niger, F. moniliforme and wash analysis also yielded significant results. The exquisite assessment of all tested properties of colored samples evolves this technology can be commercially implemented by considering large scale trails.

Assessment of Organization Readiness in the Implementation of Change Management (Case Study: PT. IMS)

PT. IMS is one of the local companies, classified as medium enterprises, that produce bottled drinking water and distribute its products in the Aceh province area. The CEO of IMS initiated a change implementation, namely digital transformation in IMS business process Phase 1, by upgrading their management software system. The purpose of this change is for IMS to be digitized, more efficient and faster, in order to be more close to the customers and accurately analyze the customer’s expectations. This research aim to assess IMS Organizational readiness for change before implementing it, the readiness is assessed based on McKinsey 7S elements and its factors.

This research collected data and information using qualitative method by conducting depth interview with the CEO of the company and managers of every departments, and desk research is also conducted to support the results. After doing a thematic qualitative analysis, the result shows that IMS is stated as ready for change by the CEO and the line managers in all elements. Moreover, if we dig deeper to 14 element’s factor, one of them is rated as not ready, namely organizational culture. The rest of it rated as ready, 7 of them (consist of Goals/Objectives, Strategic Plan, Size, IT infrastructure, Training & Education, Staff Skills, and Share Belief) still need minor improvement and 6 of them (Centralization, Data, Top Management Support, Project Team, Management skills and Company-wide Commitment)  are ready to go ahead.

The researcher also propose several solution that IMS could do to increase its organizational level of readiness to change, consist of create a change communication plan, create a facilities upgrading schedule and monitoring it, launch new policies to support the change, create training list, and plan continuous socialization events. Moreover, this research also proposed that IMS could better use Kotter’s 8 steps model as a strategy to ensure the change successfulness.

Impact of Occupational Safety and Health on Employees’ Performance at Zanzibar Government Printing Press in Unguja-Zanzibar

The purpose of this study was to assess the Impact of Occupational Safety and Health on Employees’ Performance at Zanzibar Government Printing Press (ZGPP) in Unguja. The specific objectives of this study were to assess how work environment affects employees’ performance at the ZGPP, to examine how precautionary measures of occupational health may improve employees’ performance and to assess how Occupational Health hampers employees’ performance at the ZGPP. The study adopted descriptive study design, while self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. This study covered the staff of Zanzibar Government Printing Press (ZGPP) who were simple randomly selected from a sample frame of 127. A total of 106 respondents were selected for the study. Data was analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) to capture the impact of Occupational Safety and Health on Employees’ Performance at ZGPP and regression model was used for data processing and analysis of the relationship between the variables. The findings of the study showed that, just more than half (63.4%) of the respondents were male, the study also revealed that, about 44.6% of the respondents lacked knowledge of OSH. However, liner regression analysis was done to establish the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The study discovered that, variable of working condition had strong relationship (β = 0.468, t = 5.273, p < 0.05) on employees’ performance with the significance level of p < 0.05. The study also revealed that, Occupational Health had significant effect (β = 0.246, t = 2.521, p < 0.05) on employees’ performance at ZGPP. Additionally, it was also discovered that, there was no work place precautionary measures addressed (β = 0.087, t = 0.868, p > 0.05) on employees’ performance. Although these findings showed that work place precautionary measure had negative effect on employees’ performance at ZGPP. Thus, it was recommended that, ZGPP should focus more on the protection and prevention of OSH, improve occupational health in terms of training of OSH, enforcement of regulation and policy of OSH continuously towards employees’ performance. As the study design was descriptive in nature and could not establish causality and temporality, an in-depth longitudinal follow up study would be recommended to yield better association.

An Investigation into Strategic Planning and Performance Improvement of National Social Security Fund Ilala Branch

This study was conducted so as to investigate the effects of strategic planning toward performance improvement of the National Social Security Fund Ilala Branch with the following specific objectives; to assess the influence of existing organizational structure to the performance improvement of NSSF Ilala Branch, to examine the influence of organizational system to performance improvement of NSSF Ilala Branch and to analyze the contribution of organization mission towards performance improvement of NSSF Ilala Branch. This study used descriptive survey design. Quantitative research approach was adopted. Population of this study comprised of 300 staff members of NSSF Ilala Branch. It employed both purposive and random sampling techniques to obtain 172 respondents. The study found out that, strategic planning aspects of structure would influence performance improvement by 17.8%, organizational system and organization mission would contribute to performance improvement by 40.8% and 50.8% respectively. The study recommended that, organizations in Tanzania should take strategic planning more seriously, differentiate it from other forms of planning, make an effort to choose strategies that are suitable for each strategic plan as well as embrace and successfully apply all of its principles.

Ethical Research Practices in Educational Institutions: A Literature Review

Research is one of the tri-focal functions of a university. The educational institution is the first home and ‘engine’ of scientific studies. Educational institutions infinitely embrace research as humans continuously thirst for knowledge to improve our quality of life. Thus, ethical research practice has always been an issue and matter of academic concern in schools. This article aims to review evidence of ethical research practices in educational institutions. The references and sources of this literature review came from known research databases such as Google Scholar, Open Access Directory Journals, and prominent University Websites with specific sections on Research and Ethics. Furthermore, this provides a better understanding and a general picture of research ethical practices in schools that led to the development of a conceptual framework that illustrates the supposed-to-be ethical research practices and standards for schools that lead to the crafting of quality studies that are worth publishing and disseminating. Research ethical considerations and principles guide research designs and implementations. These include the universal standard and norm of ensuring the voluntary participation of and obtaining informed consent from research participants (Bhandari, 2022; Felzmann, 2009; & Resnik, 2020). Furthermore, this review also led to the researchers’ assumption that research ethical practices and principles are associated with the level of personal ethics and moral values of a researcher and that there is a difference in the degree of practice and consideration of research ethics with respect to the nature, purpose, and design of research. Lastly, this article illustrated in its framework that the assumptions and the primary principles of research ethics (Resnik, 2020; & Smith, 2003) are inputs to ethical considerations in research. Hence, these concepts strongly underpin the significant roles of the technical review boards (TRBs) and the research ethics committees (RECs) in educational institutions to ensure that academic and scientific research done in the school setting is of quality and with academic integrity, credibility, trustworthiness, and rigor (Bhandari, 2022).

The Effect of Consumer Interest Level on the Implementation Level of Sustainable Agriculture in Green Vegetable Cultivation

Green vegetables are one type of food that is very commonly consumed by the community to fulfill nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber and iron. The nutrients contained in green vegetables are needed to increase endurance and facilitate the body’s metabolic processes, so it is very related to public health. Vegetable products consumed must be ensured in a safe and hygienic condition, in this case requiring a good and correct cultivation process as stated in the recommendations of a sustainable agricultural system. The objectives in this study were to determine the level of consumer interest in green vegetable products, determine the level of application of sustainable agriculture in green vegetable cultivation and analyze the effect of the level of consumer interest on the level of application of sustainable agricultural systems in green vegetable cultivation. The research was conducted in August 2022 in Jati Agung District, South Lampung Regency on green vegetable farmers with 76 respondents. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with Parcial Least Square (PLS) statistical analysis assisted through SmartPLS software version 3.0. The results showed that the level of consumer interest in green vegetable products is in the low category, which means that vegetable products are no longer in great demand by the community, while the level of implementation of a sustainable agricultural system is in the high category, meaning that respondents have been able to implement good cultivation recommendations even though they are not maximized. The results of the analysis show that the level of consumer interest has a significant positive influence on the level of application of sustainable agricultural systems in vegetable cultivation, meaning that the better the level of consumer interest, the higher the application of sustainable green vegetable farming systems.