Canteen Food Ordering and Managing System

The ‘Canteen Food Ordering and Managing System’ digitalize the operations inside a canteen. Initially the user must create an account, and then he can make use of the services. A menu will be provided from which the customer can choose the desired item then he can make payment online. In the proposed system the paper works will be less. The users can also make use of the virtual queue technique by which they can avoid long queues. The digitalization of the canteen system will help the management to provide a best-in-class service to the customers and which will also contribute in better time management. At last, the customers can also share their feedback through the website according to which the management can improve their services. Thus the online system will be helpful for both customers and the canteen.

Occupational Stressors of Teachers in the Department of Education Calbayog City Division

Teaching is considered a noble profession. Despite being noble, it is considered demanding and stressful. This study was conducted to derive components that serve as occupational stressors of teachers in Calbayog City Division of the Department of Education. Three hundred and two teachers from Calbayog City Division of the Department of Education were identified by the researchers using random sampling technique. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Test was applied to determine if Principal Component Analysis was appropriate for this study. Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity was used to know the strength of correlation between different variables. The researchers were able to identify four components as the stressors of teachers such as Motivation (Component 1), Cultural Professionalism (Component 2), Workload (Component 3), and Technology (Component 4).

Book Review: The Ethical Visions of Psychotherapy

Main component of many of the psychotherapies is the analysis of aspects of psychological functioning that patients are initially unaware of or deny. To the extent that this characterization of psychotherapy is not solely a means to an end but in human flourishing. In this book review, we describe the latest concern of ethical visions in psychotherapy. We conclude that, firstly, the supplement of standard measurement in psychotherapy likely facing many challenges. Secondly, a significant necessity to involve numeric field data to support the exposition regarding the percentage of psychoterapists who are presumed have not completely applied the utmost main goal which is personal flourishing should be, and thirdly, more elaboration is needed to explain the differences between factual field data observation and the ideal theory regarding personal flourishing in ethical psychotherapy by different background therapists.

The Effect of Depression on Motivation to Study

To obtain information about the correlation between depression and motivation to study and identify any correlation between the questions in the survey to gain more insight into the studying habits and reasons for secondary students’ motivations

Methods: a cross-sectional survey with a structured questionnaire was selected to use for data collection. Recruitment was on a voluntary basis, all participants were randomly selected and in similar age groups; however, there were varieties in gender and school systems. To test whether two variables correlate, we conduct a cross-sectional survey study. Our questionnaire consisted of 20 questions, all which have been approved by 3 experts. The sampling participants were chosen from a range of schools throughout the Bangkok province, including government schools, private schools, and international schools. The sampling participants were in grade 10-12. A total of 180 students participated in the study and completed the survey. The Statistical Product and Service Solutions version 28.0 (SPSS) was used to determine the correlation between depression and achievement motivation in the responses. It revealed that there is a negative correlation between depression and motivation to study, r(180)=-.567, p<.001.

The general trend illustrates that the traits most commonly attributed to depression cause a general decline in intrinsic motivation, more specifically, motivation to study. Furthermore, there is a clear increasing trend in depression amongst Thai teens during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is crucial to continue monitoring statistics regarding motivation as the data could be significant in designing policies regarding mental health and used for parents to understand their children more completely as well.


A Review on Machine Learning Based Approaches of Network Intrusion Detection Systems

The rapid growth of using the Internet raises the possibility of network attacks. In order to secure internal networks, intrusion detection systems are widely employed to address a major research challenge in network security, which aims to efficiently detect unusual access or attacks. To do so, various intrusion detection systems approaches based on the concepts of machine learning algorithms have been developed in the literature to tackle computer security threats. These IDs approaches can be broadly classified into Signature-based Intrusion Detection Systems and Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Systems. This review paper presents a taxonomy of current intrusion detection systems (IDs), a comprehensive review of significant recent works, and a variety of recent attacks that can be detected in the network environment.

Use of Intermediate Crops in the Establishment of Sown Parsley (Coriandrum Sativum L.) Plantations

The article states that the Coriandrum sativum L. plant can be used as an intermediate crop in the establishment of plantations. Experiments have shown that the use of intermediate crops in the cultivation of cashmere (Coriandrum sativum L.) on plantations has yielded effective results. In particular, in the cultivation of Coriandrum sativum L., the use of intermediate crops for one year increased the yield to 6%, and in the case of continuous crop rotation using intermediate crops, this figure increased to 12-14%. The use of intermediate crops in the cultivation of medicinal and spice plants is important not only to improve the structure of the soil, but also to increase its economic efficiency.

Relationship between Premature Birth and Asphyxia in Newborn Babies

This study is to see whether relationship between babies born prematurely with the incidence of asphyxia. Premature birth refers to a newborn born alive before the third trimester of pregnancy and weighing less than 2500 grams. Asphyxia can occur immediately after birth because the placenta in the fetus is very important for oxygenation, nutrition, and waste disposal so that disturbances in umbilical and placental  blood  flow  almost  always  cause asphyxia. Asphyxia  is  a condition  in  which newborns cannot breathe regularly and spontaneously. Asphyxia occurs due to the inability of the baby’s respiratory organs to carry out their functions. The data were collected through questionnaire distributed to 20 respondents in Surabaya, Indonesia. The results of this study showed that there is a relationship between babies born prematurely with the incidence of asphyxia. Babies born with a gestational age of less than 37 weeks will experience organ immaturity, especially in the lungs which causes spontaneous breathing failure in the early minutes of birth. The lungs are formed and undergo a gradual maturation process.

Management Behaviour Testing: Relationship of Non-Performing Loan and Operational Efficiency Ratio in the Indonesia Banking Sector

This paper aims to build on previous research conducted by Berger and DeYoung (1997) on management behavior in the context of the Indonesian banking industry in 4 different ownership cluster by looking the nexus of NPL ratio and bank operational efficiency which specifically proxied by the non-interest expense/non-interest income in the Indonesian banking industry. This paper is the first to look at the management behavior framework in the Indonesian banking system using the approach of operational efficiency, to the best of the author’s knowledge. This study also aims to give useful insights for regulators in order for them to recognize the real challenges in the banking industry, which might help Indonesia’s banking growth. All datasets were gathered from the Indonesia Banking Statistic Reports, which were collected in quarterly basis from January 2010 to September 2021. The OLS estimation in the granger causality approach were focusing on examining the first two hypotheses: the bad management and bad luck hypotheses. According to the findings, authors found that each of bank cluster in the Indonesian Banking System behaved differently regarding the association between the problem loans and operational efficiency and found sensitive to the lags included in the model. In summary, the bad management, skimping and bad luck hypotheses were found in separately in the 4 different bank cluster models. These findings might bring insights to regulators to act differently towards the different bank cluster in order to create precise regulations that are relevant and in accordance with the current behaviour.

Total Productive Maintenance Analysis on Printing Machine (A Case Study in an Indonesian Flexible Packaging Manufacturer)

PT XYZ is one of Indonesia’s major flexible packaging manufacturer companies. The company suffers losses from the increase in printing machine breakdown from 1.65% in 2019 to 2.52% in 2021. This paper aims to reduce the breakdown duration in 2022 by identifying and solving the root cause by implementing one of the alternative solutions. The primary data are collected via a series of interviews and from the company’s manufacturing reports. Using Current Reality Tree (CRT) the root cause was identified as a lack of regular maintenance evaluation and improvement. The study proposes three alternative solutions: Planned Maintenance (PM), Autonomous Maintenance (AM), and condition-based maintenance using IoT sensors. In determining the preferred alternative, the study uses Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with five criteria: OEE improvement, human capital improvement, Capex required, Opex required, and ease of implementation. Align with the AHP result, the company agreed to implement Planned Maintenance (PM). After the first two months of implementation, the average year-to-date breakdown in 2022 was reduced to 2.29%.

A Descriptive Study to Assess the Impact of Online Teaching on Perception of Parents among School Going Students in Education and Health During Covid-19

Introduction: Online teaching has widely promoted during COVID-19 pandemic to continue education among students. The study explores the Parents perception that the critical implication of e-learning in improving the nature of students “learning is making them synchronized or lined up with present day students. The aim of the study was to evaluate the parents perception of online teaching among school going students in education and health during COVID-19 pandemic.

Materials and methods: cross sectional study was carried out with 75 samples that met the inclusion criteria were selected using convenience sampling technique. Questionnaires was used to collect the data among participants which contains demographic variables, education and health regarding online teaching during COVID-19.

Result: The findings of the study reveals that there is significantly association with the level of parents perception on online teaching among school going students in education during COVID-19 at p<0.05 with selected demographic variables, and there is no significant association with the level of parents perception on online teaching among school going students in health during COVID-19.

Conclusion: findings of the present study reveals that, the parents perception had a moderately favorable attitude towards online teaching among school going students. The result of this study may be utilized as a baseline for planning awareness campaigns in the future.