Analysis of Factors Affecting Poverty Levels in West Nusa Tenggara Province in 2012 – 2021

The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the level of poverty in the province of West Nusa Tenggara from 2012 to 2021. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method. Analysis of the data used is the multiple regression method. The results of the study show that the unemployment rate, economic growth rate and the Human Development Index in the province of West Nusa Tenggara together have a significant effect on the poverty rate in the province of West Nusa Tenggara in 2012 – 2021. This can be seen in the F Test where the significance value is smaller than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). Then the human development index variable and changes in the unemployment rate which have a significant value on changes in poverty in the province of West Nusa Tenggara in 2012-2021. This is due to several things including the provincial government of West Nusa Tenggara for the last 10 years focusing on increasing human resources through education investment. such as increasing free education, providing skills institutions for workers and providing merit scholarships. It aims to create an increase in the quality of human resources in the province of West Nusa Tenggara.

Comparative Analysis of Energy Consumption in Traditional and Modern Buildings in Village Sapni, a Village in Kinnaur District Located in Western Himalayan State of Himachal Pradesh

High altitude regions of district Kinnaur in western Himalayan State of Himachal Pradesh, due to its high altitude topographical and cold climatic conditions, remains under snow for around six months in a year. Most of these areas receive snowfall around 5 – 7 feet on annual basis. Such extreme climatic conditions have made the life of local habitants difficult. The indigenous people have developed climate responsive architectural styles. Such type of vernacular architecture is based on utilization of locally available resources such as wood, mud and stones etc. The houses have been designed as per set principles of vastu shastra and utilize solar energy to optimum level in attaining a level of thermal comfort. It has been observed that such house based on vernacular techniques of housing are found to be energy efficient and comfortable throughout the year in comparisaon to modern cement concrete buildings. One such study of traditional and modern houses at village Sapni, District Kinnaur has been presented in this paper and it has been concluded that the traditional building is consuming less energy (about 50%) to that of modern building at the same site and location.


Theoretical Study of Betalain Compounds from Binahong with a Red Trunk as DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell) Material with the DFT (Density Functional Theory) Method

: Binahong with a red trunk is known to contain betalain which has the potential to be used as DSSC. Therefore, theoretical research was conducted on the potential content of betalain in binahong with a red trunk using computational methods. This research was conducted using density functional theory (DFT) with the B3LYP functional and with a base set of 6-311G(d). The band gap value of HOMO-LUMO was obtained as a reference for the effectiveness of binahong with a red trunk as a DSSC material. The results of this study indicate the band gap of betalain is 3.152685477 eV. The band gap shows how easy it is for betalain to excite electrons, from the band gap it can be concluded that betalain is a material that has a very high potential for effectiveness as a material for making DSSC.

Determination of Geographical and Seasonal Variations of Heavy Metals in Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares)

Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in marine fish is a major concern worldwide and it leads to some economical burdens for the tropical fish exporters. However, data is yet to be unavailable in Sri Lanka in this regard. Hence this study was conducted to explore geographical variation of heavy metal accumulation in the Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) as they play a predominant role in the export fish market in Sri Lanka. Secondary heavy metal analysis data of Mercury, Led, Arsenic and Cadmium were collected from two major fish export companies in Sri Lanka during the period of 2015 to 2017. Particular points were traced with the aid of log sheets and heavy metal variations were mapped against fish species and heavy metal concentrations by using QGIS software. Heavy metal analysis data were concentrated between 64 to 70 longitudes and 0 to 8 latitudes, 76 to 80 longitudes and 0 to 8 latitudes, 88 to 92 longitudes and 14 to18 latitudes and 82 to 90 longitudes and 6 to 14 latitudes. Heavy metals such as Cd, As and Pb were not detected in the fish samples. Mercury was the major heavy metal accumulated among the tested and high concentration was detected in Swordfish. Mercury accumulation was highest in longitudes between 64 to 70 and latitudes of 0 to 8.This shows serious health issues that are challenging to humans and provides clear evidence on marine pollution. It is recommended to prevent fishing in these particular areas. Proactive measures and techniques need to be applied to fix safe limits of heavy metals in these natural aquatic ecosystems and protect the organisms in the environment.

Community Empowerment in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic through Strengthening MSMEs in East Java

People’s economic empowerment is an effort to create a strong, large, modern, and highly competitive economy in the correct market mechanism. Because the obstacles to people’s economic development are structural constraints, the empowerment of the people’s economy must be carried out through structural changes. The Covid-19 pandemic has hit many countries, including Indonesia. Covid-19 has had an impact on various sectors including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), including the decline in the number of sales.

This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach. This research uses a case study approach, which is an empirical inquiry that investigates phenomena in real-life contexts, where the boundaries between phenomena and contexts are not clear, and there are multiple sources of evidence. The results of the research are that business actors seek to find marketing and sales alternatives, secure capital and assets, temporarily transfer them to other businesses, and must learn technologies that are considered effective for promotion and sales.


How Decreased Level of Plasma Tryptophan Play Role in Diabetic Patients?

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid found in many protein-based foods and dietary proteins including meats, dairy, fruits, and seeds. High-glycaemic index and -glycaemic load meals also increase the availability of tryptophan. The main objective of the study is to find the role of tryptophan in diabetic patients. Tryptophan metabolism has been reported highly associated with insulin resistance and diabetes risk. The activity of rate-limiting enzyme of tryptophan-kynurenine, indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), was enhanced significantly in T2D patients, thus downstream metabolites such as kynurenine, kynurenic acid, xanthurenic acid and hydroxykynurenine, were higher in T2D than in non-diabetic subjects, although inconsistent observations of tryptophan levels. Returning to the question posed at the beginning of the review, these studies have shown that decreased level of tryptophan plays an important role in diabetic patients. decrease in plasma TRP levels in diabetic patients regardless of their gender and these patients also exhibited a greater incidence of memory dysfunction compared to the controls.

The Influence of Parental Divorce on Children’s Character Development

This study aims to investigate the impact of parental divorce on children’s character development in a city in Indonesia. This used a case study qualitative method. Data was collected through direct observation, and in-depth interviews with divorced parents, children, and religious court staff. Written materials were also analyzed to find out the divorce cases handled at the city religious court. This study found that the causes of divorce are included economic limitation, domestic violence, betrayal, and longer conflict. The impact of the divorce on children’s character development included unstable children’s emotions, such as stress and mental pressure, dropping out of education, decrease children’s confidence and a lack of trust of the children to their parents. However, this study also found that the divorce also caused a positive impact on the children’s character in which the children become more independent and stronger in their lives. We suspect the divorce might have caused some children to build positive perceptions from their painful life. As such they take it as a positive life experience and then caused them to become more stronger and independent. Future research should focus on why some children perceive their parent’s divorce as a negative experience, while others accept it as a positive life experience and use it as a factor to be independent and stronger.

Biochemical Influence of Uric Acid and Some Inflammatory Biomarkers on the Association of Oral Hygiene with Cardiovascular Diseases

Oral hygiene was associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and the link is verified by bacterial colonization of the oral cavity and their products that spread into the circulation, starting endothelial dysfunction, pro-atherogenesis, pro-inflammation, and host immune mechanisms. High levels of serum uric acids are linked with CVD that are intern, associated with worsening gum hygiene. Several studies show that hyperuricemia could modify purine catabolism in case of oral disorders, including periodontal diseases (PD) and dental loss. PD and tooth caries were also linked with diabetes mellitus hypertension, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, and CVD. Dental caries was defined as an independent risk factor for coronary atherosclerosis too. However, dental restoration was correlated with the burden of arteriosclerosis negatively. Several experimental trials did not affirm the relationship between oral hygiene and CVDs.

Recent research has revealed similar biochemical and inflammatory biomarkers that are involved in CVD and oral diseases like C-reactive protein, interleukins, TNF-α, and others.

This consensus review aims to summarize some of the biochemical and inflammatory evidence connecting poor oral hygiene with the risk of CVD.

Politics of Grassroot Sports Diplomacy in National Cohesion

The current international relations system is quite dynamic, forcing many state governments to turn to sports as the most efficient soft power tool. Sports is perceived as an integral element of national identity more so, for a country that internationally has a good reputation in sports. Values of sports diplomacy include competition, teamwork and fair play. This form of diplomacy has the potential to inform, engage and influence key actors, especially youth, emerging leaders and women and girls.

However, sports, as a diplomatic tool has been always associated with mega-sport events, elite sports and professional athletes, neglecting sports at the grassroots level, where the organizations, interventions and stakeholders are considered irrelevant for state-led public diplomacy. Yet, grassroots sport-based interventions have the capability of strengthening people-to-people relations, hence contributing to national cohesion. By developing grassroots sports, the objective is to grow elite sports men and women who will eventually form teams that will compete favorably on the international arena. This paper hence discusses the politics of grassroots sports diplomacy towards national cohesion. It specifically addresses three objectives; First, it examines actors in grassroots sports diplomacy; Secondly, it Assesses tools used to promote grassroots sports and lastly it interrogates the discourse on grassroots sports diplomacy towards national cohesion. .  A descriptive research design enabled primary and secondary data to be collected. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The paper concludes that grassroots sport diplomacy creates cooperative relations among citizens hence addressing the national unity crisis that most countries are faced with. Recommendations in relation to grassroots sports diplomacy as a tool for national cohesion have also been included.

Academically Challenged Students in Mathematics in Modular Distance Learning

This phenomenological study sought to explore the lived experiences of the low-performing students in terms of the benefits, challenges, and coping strategies in a modular distance learning modality. The focused group interview was used with the purposively chosen respondents and employed triangulation of data to validate their responses. Results show that flexibility of learning, self-paced learning, access to technology, and simplified concepts and outputs were the benefits of MDL. However, lack of interaction with teachers and procrastination are the common challenges that these students have encountered and tried to cope up with. They have adopted positive methods and strategies to manage their difficulty in learning mathematics like self-motivation, seeking support, online information sources, and time management have been essential in studying in this modality. Learning mathematics is formally learned best in school but some of the students displayed positive engagement with MDL and further research should be conducted in that regard.