Appropriate Taxes and Covid-19 Tax Insentives do Affect Purchasing Power of New Car?

This research based on increasing vehicle sales in South Tangerang Indonesia. The sample in this study was determined based on purposive sampling. The type of data used using primary data. The analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis. Regression testing shows that value added tax, sales tax on luxury goods, motor vehicle tax progressive rates and tax incentives have a simultaneous effect on consumer purchasing power. Partially, the value added tax and sales tax on luxury goods have no effect, while the progressive rate motor vehicle tax and tax incentives have an effect on consumer purchasing power. The influence of the two dependent independent variables on the variable as much as 27.8%, this needs to be added variables in further research.

Public Governance in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic Based on Village Funds in Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world and has lasted since the beginning of 2019 has not yet ended. This health problem causes a fairly high increase in mortality. In dealing with the outbreak, Indonesia has mobilized all its policy resource capabilities by focusing on cooperation between the government and the community. Public governance is a manifestation of the collaboration between policymakers and community institutions. At the village government level, the handling of COVID-19 is carried out by village officials, village institutions, community leaders, and medical and security forces. Thus, this study aims to examine the concept of public governance by paying attention to indicators of accountability, transparency, and cooperation in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The research location was conducted in Karangrau Village, Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency. In the analysis, this study uses an interactive qualitative method that relies on information extracted from informants from both community village officials, security forces, and medical personnel. The results of the study show that the program implementers have carried out activities well by using indicators of accountability, transparency, and cooperation. This study recommends that the accountability of policymakers be maintained, the level of transparency needs to be increased and cooperation between the community and village officials needs to be carried out intensively.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Digital Smart Poultry Market Readiness in West Java

Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) have been impacted to the decrease in poultry product demand in Indonesia which leads to cause oversupply and declining in this industry margin. As one of the companies that promote digital transformation in Indonesia, Indonesian ICT company develops a new subsector in its digital agricultural platform to solve the problem. This company created Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to develop its current digital platform in subsector poultry (digital smart poultry). It consisted of several features such as funding, partnership, and B2B/B2C marketplace. After planning the MVP, the problem is mainly focused on determining the market readiness for smart poultry digital platform and how to create the most suitable marketing strategy to enter the market. They also had not specified the target segment to sell the products yet. This research is aimed to explore more whether the poultry farmers need the smart poultry digital platform to solve the problem, the market readiness, and formulate the marketing strategy and implementation plan for the smart poultry digital platform that targeted on poultry farmers.
To validate the issue in the poultry industry, the authors conduct a preliminary survey by interviewing poultry farmers in West Java. Next, to gain in-depth insight into the product necessities and market readiness, the author did an environmental analysis (internal and external) as the base to formulate the SWOT-TOWS analysis. The internal analysis that has been used for this research consists of Business Model Canvas (BMC) and VRIO analysis. The author used PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, competitor, and consumer’s analysis for the external analysis. According to the analysis, the poultry farmers as the targeted consumers are considered ready and necessary to use the product. After formulating SWOT-TOWS based on the environment analysis, the author used QSPM analysis to determine the most suitable business and marketing strategy to be implemented. The author proposed several strategies and implementation plans that consisted of 1) Increase the smart poultry digital platform capabilities (especially in IoT to help solve the poultry farmers’ problem). Optimize digitalization for business development and marketing (SO2), 2) Optimize the service marketing (ST1), and 3) Maximize the use of integrated marketing strategy to maximize promotion (WT3).

New Normal Education: Impact to Parents in Southern Palawan, Philippines

This study aimed to identify the impact of new normal education to parents in Southern Palawan. There were 144 parent-respondents in this study. This study investigated the advantage/s of new normal education to parents, the challenges they encountered, and the solutions they employed to surpass it. Most of the parents were females, with an average of 3 to 4 children, minimum wage earners, and graduates of high school. Frequency distribution, mean, percentage were the statistical tools used. Most of the parents stated that because of the new normal education, students learned independently. Most of the parents were challenged by the absence or poor internet connection. In order for them to cope up with the challenges, most of them disciplined the students at home.

Principal’s Transformational Leadership in Education Era 4.0: A Literature Review

This article aims to find out how the principal’s transformational leadership style improves teacher performance in the 4.0 education era. This study uses a literature review method by examining national and international journal articles on Google Scholar. The results of the literature review show that the principal’s leadership style has a significant influence on teacher performance. The influence of the principal’s transformational leadership in improving teacher performance in the 4.0 education era can be indicated from the following indicators: 1) principals foster self-confidence, motivation and high expectations to achieve a vision of the future together, 2) principals set an example in school attendance , 3) principals become inspiration for school members in improving competence, self-development, and performance, 4) principals become leaders who provide knowledge and ways of thinking in finding information technology-based learning development strategies.

Does Implementing Trade Facilitation Improve Social Welfare? In Case of ASEAN

In recent years, the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have been concentrating on increasing trade facilitation (TF) goals. Ineffective commitment to TF can have a variety of detrimental consequences on a country’s welfare. The impact of three TF metrics on social well being in ASEAN countries is investigated in this study. The analysis shows that improvements in institutions, market efficiency, and infrastructure will enhance employment, school enrollment, and life expectancy using the System Generalized Method of Moments (SGMM) estimator with data gathered between 2000 and 2021. This progress even contributes to a reduction in the country’s annual traffic incidents. As a result, TF is a critical tool for improving a country’s social welfare.

Green Energy Development in Russian Regions

The analysis of the development of “green energy” in the regions of Russia is one of the pressing modern scientific issues. This article describes the general situation with carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere in the world and in Russia. It is shown that the Russian Federation is one of the world leaders in the volume of carbon dioxide emissions. Global and Russian trends in the development of renewable energy sources are considered. The spatial unevenness in the development of renewable energy sources in the regions of the Russian Federation is characterized. An econometric model is proposed, which investigates the influence of the production process (through such factors as gross regional product and electricity consumption) as well as the development of renewable energy sources on carbon dioxide emissions in Russian regions. The results show that gross regional product and regional electricity consumption have positive impact on increasing carbon dioxide emission while the increase of renewable energy sources has a negative impact on increasing carbon dioxide emission. At the present stage, Russian regions can face a number of problems and constraints of social and economic nature that may hinder the development of a “green economy”.

Principal Managerial Skills in Implementing School-Based Management: A Literature Review

This study aimed to describe principals’ managerial skills in the development of School-Based Management (SBM). The method used in this study was a literature review. The results and discussion of the study, namely the principal’s managerial skills, include; Technical skills (technical abilities), human skills (human relations abilities), and conceptual skills (conceptual abilities), which are implemented in school-based management with components of curriculum management and teaching programs, education staff, student affairs, finance, educational facilities and infrastructure, management of school and community relations, and special services for institutions. The indicators for the success of School-Based Management (SBM) include support from school principals and teachers, sufficient financial resources, clear commitments, responsibilities, skills, and qualifications of school officials, appropriate plans, obligations, and accountability.

Multicultural Islamic Education in Encouraging Spirit of the Elderly

This study aims to reveal Multicultural Islamic Education in encouraging the spirit of the elderly in terms of enthusiasm and optimism, the power to fight frustration and group spirit through the existence of Multicultural Islamic Education. This qualitative research with a phenomenological approach was conducted at Griya Werdha Surabaya-Indonesia. The data were collected using in-depth interviews, observations and documents involving seven Muslim elderly people and three representatives of the leadership taken purposively.
The results of this study indicate that it has an impact on three aspects of the spirit of the elderly. In the aspect of enthusiasm and optimism, the elderly have a deeper spiritual closeness to God which has a positive impact on the elderly to have good behavior towards fellow elderly in their daily lives. In the aspect of strength against frustration, the elderly no longer blame themselves or those around them for the conditions that befell them. For the aspect of the spirit of the elderly to group, the elderly are encouraged to interact with one another and live a harmonious life in their daily lives.

High-quality Development Effectiveness of Provincial Regions in China: Data-driven Evaluation and Spatio-temporal Characteristics

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