The Digitalization of Distributor Management System at Pertamina Lubricants: Issues and Solutions on the Implementation Stage

Pertamina Lubricants has stated digital transformation as one of its breakthrough projects to accelerate digitalization as one of its strategic initiatives. This strategic initiative has objectives to enhance channel management and the capability of distributors as strategic business partners to achieve their sales volume target set by the management of Pertamina Lubricants. This journal aims to evaluate and improve the digital distributor management system to help distributors of Pertamina Lubricants achieve their sales volume target.

Why Do Firms Apply Non-Market Strategies? Does it Really Pay?

The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding to non-market strategies of the firms, their external and internal drivers and whether firms attain gains from these strategies in practice by examining the selected existing studies on firms’ non-market strategies. The vast literature on non-market strategies shows that companies’ support in the political process of overcoming societal troubles and their collaboration with non-profit organizations increase. However, companies do not engage in non-market strategies with a pure altruism, contrarily they expect to reap benefits. The empirical studies on the relationship between non-market strategies and financial performance that are examined within the scope of this study indicate differentiating results. Based on these inconsistent findings of the present studies, the implications and directions for future studies are presented.

Proposed Service and Marketing Communication Initiatives to Strengthen Blibli Positioning in E-Commerce Industry

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the trend of online shopping in Indonesia has been increasing as people are reluctant to shop outside their homes. This triggered the growth of the e-commerce industry, which then resulted in high competition in the industry. Each company provides a wide selection of products and competitive prices to increase sales. Blibli, as one of the leading e-commerce companies in Indonesia under Djarum Group, believes that there needs to be other initiatives beyond price and product variety to strengthen the company’s position. Blibli is committed to providing convenience and security in shopping by providing maximum service. By using primary and secondary data, the author analyses conditions of competitors, customer segmentation that prioritizes services, and how to effectively communicate the services that Blibli has. Primary data is obtained through questionnaires distributed to active users of e-commerce. Through the research conducted, it can be concluded that Blibli’s main competitors (Tokopedia and Shopee) currently do not use services as a differentiator. The author also proposes customer segmentation, namely the millennial generation, who are aware of the importance of service in online shopping. Blibli’s “positioning” proposed in this research is basically in accordance with Blibli’s current “positioning,” but Blibli needs to update its marketing communication strategy so that customers understand Blibli’s advantages. The proposal submitted by the author is expected to help Blibli strengthen its position in the industry as a company that always prioritizes customer satisfaction through excellent services.

The Psychological Aspects of Caregivers of Covid-19 Patient: A Descriptive Study

Background: A global coordination effort is needed to stop the further spread of the virus, pandemic is defined as “occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population, on 31st December 2019”. In this COVID -19 pandemic situation, the caregiver plays a major role in giving care and giving psychological support through the help of the health professionals.


  • To assess the psychological aspects of the caregivers of COVID – 19 patients.
  • To associate the psychological aspects of the caregiver of COVID – 19 patients with their selected demographic variables

Design: The quantitative approach was used in this study.

Setting(s): The study setting was the selected community area of Puducherry. The researcher selected the community area of Lawspet.

Participants: 200 caregivers of covid 19 patients who were present at the time of data collection.

Methods & Results: The research approach used for this study was a quantitative approach and descriptive design. The study was conducted in the community area of lawspet at Puducherry. Sample size 200 was selected by convivence sampling techniques. The researcher used demographic variables and an assessment scale for the psychological aspects of caregivers of COVID 19 patients.

The result shows that the majority of the caregivers 138(69%) were in the age group of 22-35 years, 145(72.5%) were females, most of the caregivers were married 101(50.5), majority of the caregivers were lived in urban area 103(51.5%), most of them are not received support from the relatives 150(75%) respectively.

The psychological aspects of the caregivers of the covid patients show that 155(77.5%) were having a severe level of changes in the psychological aspects, and 45(22.5%) were having a moderate level of changes in the psychological aspects.

The highest score of the mean value is 12.32 out of the 15 items in the physical and emotional stress domain and the lowest score of the mean value is 10.07 out of 15 items in the family and social isolation respectively.

The results predict that the demographic variables had not shown any statistically significant association between the psychological aspects of the caregivers of the COVID -19 patient.

The study reveals that the nurses need to promote the psychological aspect of caregivers of covid 19 patients.

One Medicalogy Pre-Launching Strategy of New Maternity Belts with Anti-Radiation Feature Using Lean Startup Methodology

This paper will discuss pre-launch strategy taken by One Medicalogy, a startup company specializing in maternity apparels.  The strategy will follow lean startup methodology that will guide One Medicalogy to start, build, develop, conduct and maintain its business in the field of anti-radiation maternity belts.

A maternity belt is a belt or a corset used to support the lower portion of the belly and back of pregnant women. An anti-radiation maternity belt is a modified maternity belt by embedding an additional anti-radiation layer on the inside part of the belt.  The extra layer will protect the fetus growing in the belly of the mother from harmful non-ionizing RF-EMF radiation. The source of the radiation is usually electronic devices and gadgets such as personal computers or laptops as well as smartphones.  One Medicalogy is committed to design, develop, produce and introduce the belts to the market.

Pre-launch strategy will be employed in introducing the belt to the market. This strategy includes conducting market tests by testing the product with potential customers and performing rigorous efforts with them to ensure communication during product design and development by first determining the target market, ensuring that product features line up perfectly with customer needs.

A lean startup methodology will also be used to assist One Medicalogy in introducing the belts quickly and successfully to market. In essence, lean startup methodology is a method that focus business efforts in speedy creation of product prototypes by first conducting and testing target market analysis.  Feedbacks resulted from prototype try-outs and interviews involving potential customers will be employed quickly to create finished products.  In addition, these feedbacks will also reveal the strength of the newly created products against that of the competitors. Using this method, One Medicalogy can reduce the risk of bad product performance.

Application of Business Process Re-engineering in Enhancing Budgeting Process of PT Insurance Indonesia

In the era of competition, understanding the position of the company is crucial in order to be able to set the strategy to strengthen and increase the position in the competitive market. It is important to have a strong budgeting and forecasting process to establish the target to be achieved which then set as the basis to plan the business strategy in more detail. Budgeting provides guidance, direction and target for the company to achieve within a period of time. However, it is no doubt that the budgeting process has been painful, taking much effort and time, that has led to the engagement team feeling the burden in doing the preparation. From the interview and analysis of internal workshop report, the research found the pain points of budgeting process. Among others, too many iterations while doing the work manually, lack of coordination and guidance, lack of supporting stabile technology in performing the process led to the challenges faced during budgeting process. The pain points focused on three main areas; process, people and technology. To solve the business issues, the business process should be improved.  The research proposes how Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) would give solutions to overcome the issues. The building of proposed new budgeting process follows through the six stages of BPR, which are envisioning, initiating, diagnosing, transforming, implementing and evaluating. Automation, Beyond Budgeting approach and establishing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are the proposed tools to be used to cater the pain points identified. Beyond Budgeting is expected to bring new approach in setting the target in the form of financial ratios instead of fixed number, hence the company has flexibility in setting the target and reduce the granularity of submission to the group. Automation reduces the manual processes and create one center of data stored.  SOP provides clear guidance on how the budgeting process should be performed.

Individual and Institutional Determinants of Trainees’ Enrolment in Public Technical Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Nakuru County, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the individual and institutional determinants of trainee enrolment in public, technical vocational, education and training (TVET) institutions in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study was informed by the large number of secondary school graduates idling in the community and efforts of government of Kenya to raise enrolment in TVETs for skill training to actualise vision 2030. The study sought to investigate whether trainees’ attitude had influence on enrolment in public TVETs in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study was guided by the Social Learning Theory of Career Decision Making (SLTCDM) by John D. Krumboltz (1976). The theory focuses on developing career readiness through implementation of learning theory in school-to-work programs. This study employed descriptive survey research design. The sample size consisted of 12 TVETs, 30 trainers and 331 trainees drawn from the target population of 24 public TVETs, 150 trainers and 2385 trainees from entire Nakuru County. Data was collected by use of interview schedule for the TVET principals, questionnaires for trainers and trainees and document analysis. Data were processed and analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Descriptive statistics which included frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were generated and used in presenting research findings. Statistical tests were done using correlation coefficient and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 95% confidence interval of the difference (ά=0.05) to be sure true mean is used.  The findings of the correlation between trainees’ attitudes and enrolment in TVETs showed that, P value was 0.3883 > P=0.05, therefore HO4 was accepted and a conclusion made that there was no significant relationship between trainees’ attitudes and enrolment of trainees. Based on the findings, the study concluded that, trainees’ attitudes do not negatively influence enrolment in TVETs since the trainees willingly chose to enroll in TVETs regardless of the negative publicity towards TVETs. The researcher recommended that, these trainees who have experienced the benefits of enrolling in TVET, to be good ambassadors in their communities so as to change the image of TVETs’ negative publicity so that more prospective trainees enroll which could result to increased enrolment.

Strategic Business Development Plan for a New Cardiovascular Clinic (Case Study: PT Hasna Medika, Expansion in Bali Area)

PT Hasna Medika is a company managing multiple cardiovascular health facilities such as clinics and hospitals in Indonesia. As of the writing of this research, the company has 5 cardiovascular clinics and 2 cardiovascular hospitals in Java. As a strategic partner of the BPJS Kesehatan or the national health coverage in Indonesia, Hasna Medika seeks to contribute to the improvement of heart health facilities in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities throughout Indonesia, where they have a huge gap between the number of secondary healthcare facilities providing heart health services with the population needing it. Thus, the company is now looking to expand its business operation to the island province of Bali, where they have received support from the local cardiologists. Several locations have been proposed and Kabupaten Karangasem in the east of Bali has been chosen as the location for the newly planned heart clinic. The weighted score has shown that Karangasem has yielded the highest score of 3.05 after analysing several factors such as the chance to establish cooperation with BPJS, the ratio of secondary health facilities to the number of populations, the demography and availability of cardiologists in the area. Subsequently, the financial projections are supported by data based on the other existing Hasna Medika branches have shown a feasible project. NPV which is greater than 0 and IRR above the WACC are also obtained as indicators of project viability. That said, The US Index of 1.94 has also been calculated, which signifies a desirable and maximised loan financing. Lastly, a funding composition of 80 % loan and 20% equity has yielded maximum profit. The clinic is targeted to start construction next year in April 2023 and will take approximately 9 months until completion.

Proposed Improved Marketing Communication Strategy, To Boost Awareness and Enhance Sales of PT Leo Indonesia

With the tagline of “Connecting empty dining tables with empty stomachs,” LEO (disguised name) provides a food service platform where customers can reserve restaurant tables and get timely-based discounts through yield management. By getting customers to dine in during odd-eating hours, restaurants get to recoup its operating expenses. However, even with this seemingly win-win situation for all stakeholders, LEO has not been able to be as successful as they should be. This study aims to find out the cause of this low adoption rate, as well as the solution to further boost sales and overall performance of LEO Indonesia. Data collection is done through desk research, previous studies, a questionnaire to customers, an interview with the employee, and some limited internal data. Further in-depth analysis was conducted using 5 As Customer Path and Integrated Marketing Communication. This revealed that the root cause to LEO’s slowdown after their initial success, was the fact that they were focusing so much on customer retention and not enough on customer acquisition anymore. Having found the root cause, a strategy formulation was created using the ERRC Grid framework. These frameworks provided solutions for all the factors mentioned above, while focusing a lot more on LEO’s marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, adoption rate, and overall performance, since the service that LEO have been offering manages to fit the wants and needs of current and potential customers.

Antibiotics: Boon or Bane in Dentistry?

Dentistry is a vast domain devoted to managing dental infections as well as bolstering and rehabilitating the dentition lost to bacterial invasion. Antibiotics are an essential part of dentistry and its relative specialties, and prescribing antibiotics is a privilege that should not be abused. Antibiotic prescriptions in dentistry are relatively small but nonetheless significant. With the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial species, there is a need to become more vigilant about their prescription, as well as an urgent need for both professional and public understanding of the appropriate use of this life-saving component of treatment. This review discusses the various principles and rationales underlying antibiotic therapy in various fields of dentistry, with an emphasis on rational antibiotic use in dentistry.