Indonesian Wedding Organizer’s Ecosystem Business Mapping

Business growth in the wedding industry has begun to grow and spread in Indonesia, seen from the variety of types of this industry, one of which is wedding organizer (WO). WO is an organizer with many networks involved in its business ecosystem. It can’t stand alone without relations and interactions with its stakeholders (vendors) such as wedding decor, catering, entertainment, make-up artist, and others. In this research, a conducive network model in the industry can be optimized by mapping the WO business ecosystem to expand and create a complete and sustainable business. The method used is qualitative, with data collection through interviews, observations, and literature studies. James F. Moore’s business ecosystem will be used in data analysis as a mapping reference for WO business network model. The results found that several networks were classified into three scopes of the business ecosystem. It considers the relationship of each stakeholder to the WO and vice versa. The relationship between stakeholders resulted in two-way and one-way relationships and activities. It was also found that stakeholders may decrease or increase over time the development of creativity, technology, references, and processions that will be carried out at the wedding. For relationships with the highest interaction urgency, they can continue to occupy their permanent positions in the WO business ecosystem. The form of the WO business ecosystem as a whole cannot be determined by a single model and will continue to evolve according to the procession.

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Early Puberty among Girls

Introduction: While The Onset Of Puberty Is A Natural Process, It Indeed Is A Very Unsettling Phase In A Girl’s Life. Sadly, This Is An Alarming Trend In Urban Areas – Some Girls From Rural Areas Are Still Getting Their Periods At 15-16 Years But Girls From Urban Areas Are Getting Their Periods Earlier Than 8! Early Puberty (Also Known As Precocious Puberty) Means Having Signs Of Puberty Such As Development Of Breasts, Pubic And Underarm Hair And Menstrual Bleeding Early Than Usual. Girls Who Begin Their Puberty Early Before Their Peers Are Usually Quite Alarmed. This Puts Them At Risk Of Depression. Parents Have Got A Very Vital Role To Play. If Necessary, Psychological Counselling May Be Sought For The Girl As Well As The Parents. As Parents, It’s Important To Make Sure That The Child Maintains A Healthy Weight Is Another Way To Avert Early Puberty.” In That Results Showed That Majority Of Pre-Adolescent Girls And Boys (75%), (74%) Had Below Average Knowledge Regarding Pubertal Changes Followed By 25 % Girls And 24%Boys Had Average Level Of Knowledge And In Levels Of Attitude, Majority Of Pre- Adolescent Girls And Boys (95.19%), (90%) Had Moderately Favourable Attitude Regarding Pubertal Changes Followed By 3.84% Girls And 10%Boys Had Unfavourable Level Of Attitude.

Design: Experimental One Group Pre-Test, Post-Test Research Design Was Used To Conduct The Study At Visnagar City. Sample Size: The Sample Size Was 60. Technique: In This Study Using The Purposive Sampling Technique. The Data Collection Was Done With Prior Permission From Authorities The Principal, D.D Kanya Vidhyalay Visnagar.

Tool: The Purpose Of The Study Was Explained To The Students And Written 20 Questions Informed Consent Was Obtained The Demographic Data Was Collected By Using Questionnaire. After The Pre-Test, The Investigator Use Flash Card & Seminar To The Students. On The 7 Day The Post-Test Level Of Knowledge On Early Puberty Was Assessed By Using Structured Knowledge Questionnaire. The Data Was Analysed Using Descriptive And Inferential Statistics. Chi-Square Was Used To Associate The Pre-Test And Post-Test Level Of Knowledge Regarding Early Puberty With The Selected Demographic Variables.

Results: The Mean Pre-Test Observation Score Was 11.5% And The Mean Post Test Score Was The 44.38%, And The Standard Deviation Was 2.50% In Pre-Test And 26.42% In Post Test Score, Also The Calculated “T” Value Was 11.38%.

A Review on Novel Drug Delivery System Nanoemulsion

various researcher are innovate a replacement therapy regarding improvement of drug action. Improve drugs absorption, distribution also we improve its efficacy. Amongst that a replacement innovative technology are develops. A nanoemulsion is technique to enhance the solubility, bioavability, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodinemics of medicine .in this review article us familiar about the novel technique nanoemulsion and its preparation methods, charactorization of nanoemulsion. Nanoemulsion has been identified as a promising delivery system for various drugs including biopharmaceuticals. Nanoemulsion may be a heterogeneous system composed of one immiscible liquid dispersed as droplets within another liquid. The droplets size of nano emulsion is between 20 to 500 nm. Diameter and surface properties of droplets of nanoemulsion plays a crucial role in the biological behavior of the formulation. Small droplet sizes cause transparent emulsions so that product appearance is not altered by the addition of an oil phase during this paper various aspects of nanoemulsion have been discussed including advantages, disadvantages and methods of preparation. Furthermore new approaches of stability of formulation, effect of types and concentration of surfactant, process variables and method also are discussed to improve the stability of nanoemulsion formulation.

Oil Palm Expansion in Farmers Perspective

Studies on oil palm plantation expansion have been widely conducted and still debatable. This condition is caused by the increase in the oil palm land expansion every year. It cannot be separated from the role of investors/private companies, the state, and smallholders. This paper focuses on the farmer perspective on the oil palm plantations expansion with the purpose of describing the expansion of oil palm plantations from the farmer perspective in economy, income diversification and working time. This study used a qualitative and quantitative approach with the types of data used in this study were secondary data and primary data. The farmers feel the benefit in the economic side, increasing income and welfare levels. On the other hand, the presence of oil palm has led to the diversification of livelihoods in farmer, it makes easy in to borrow formal and non-formal institutions.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Enter Methanol Market as Diversification for National Gas Company

Methanol is a key material used as feedstock in the chemical industry which is mainly produced from natural gas and coal. Indonesia is well-known for its natural resources including the large reserves of natural gas which become the third largest in the Asia-Pacific. However, Indonesia and even Asia are having gaps between production and demand that need to be fulfilled. Indonesia only has one methanol producer and still importing a large amount of it despite the increasing demand. A national natural gas company is considering the possibility to produce methanol in order to fulfill the gaps as well as diversification to give adding value to natural gas and also commercialize the oversupply of natural gas from the termination of the export contract. The objective of this research is to find the best business strategy for the company considering various challenges and opportunities. The methodology used in this research is qualitative and quantitative methods using secondary data and primary data. The primary data is collected through a qualitative questionnaire that involved companies that confirm the obstacles in sourcing methanol. The collected data is used to conduct external and internal analysis through PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, Customer Analysis, and VRIO Framework. The identified opportunities and challenges are then used to generate strategy through TOWS Matrix and 4P Marketing Mix. As a result, it is recommended for the company that will become a methanol supplier to set a competitive product price, choose a strategic place with high access to resources, promote the sustainability impact and multiplier effect to attract stakeholders and shareholders, and utilize the existing customer channel of natural gas to commercialize the new product.

Zinc Metabolism: A Review with Regard to Zn Finger Proteins, DNA Methylation and p53; In Reference to its Deficiency Syndromes and Tracing its Immunological as Well as Epigenetic Relations

Epigenetics is the branch of biology that studies the effects of environment on genetics and vice versa. It is the connecting link between genotype and phenotype of an individual, and can be widely influenced by the nutrition and availability of certain essential micronutrients, in this review, zinc. Although a trace element, zinc is essential to the body as a core component of more than 300 proteins and enzymes, which when functioning normally impart structural and mechanical capacities to the body tissues and fluids. Zinc is ubiquitous to all parts of the body and regulates various metabolic and biological processes such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, tumorigenesis, along with the regular working of fetal and adult organs. The role of zinc-finger proteins is crucial to impart stability to a protein’s folds and in turn render it functional to play its role in gene expression to serve as oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes. Zinc deficiency is a common occurrence in various parts of the world and is generally due to inadequate intake through the diet but may also manifest itself in an inheritable form. The effects of low zinc on a cellular level can be seen through a diminishing immunity, increased oxidative stress, reduced functionality of the p53 protein leading to tumor formation, incorrect DNA methylation. While phenotypically, zinc deficit can be both congenital and acquired. Some such diseases discussed here are irritable bowel syndrome, acrodermatitis enteropathica, thymic atrophy, celiac disease and preterm birth. In this review, the focus is on the aspect of zinc availability to cells as an epigenetic modulator/regulator and the subsequent consequences arising due to imbalance of zinc in the cell.

Financial Performance and Stock Valuation of Tobacco Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Amidst the Hike of Excise Tax Rate Period 2017-2021

In the tobacco sector, there was a consistent decline in the price of shares outstanding during 2017 – 2021. The consistent decline in stock prices in the market in the tobacco sector initiated the author to analyze the financial performance condition of all companies in the tobacco sector and the stock valuation of companies with the best financial performance compared to other companies. So, it can be concluded that the market price position is now undervalued or still in an overvalued position to be the basis for making investment decisions. In this study, the financial performance of tobacco companies will be analyzed using the method of the decree of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) or decree No. KEP-100 / MBU / 2002. This method will result in the health level status (Healthy, Less Healthy, Unhealthy) of each tobacco company each year in the period 2017 to 2021. Stock valuation in companies with the healthiest company predicate from the tobacco sector on the Indonesian stock exchange for the 2017-2021 period. The Stock Valuation that will be used is the absolute and relative method. In the absolute method, the researcher used the discounted cash flow (DCF) method and Dividend Discount Model (DDM). As for the relative method, the researcher used Price to Book Value (PBV), Price to Earnings Ratio (PER), and EV/EBITDA.

Based on PBV, PER, and EV/EBITDA, the intrinsic value of HMSP is Rp. 660.56, Rp. 1,093.53, and Rp. 1,104.57, respectively. DCF generates a result of IDR 1,301.35, and DDM gets IDR 1,375.53. Since only the PBV results reveal overvalued outcomes when compared to the market price, even though the share price is still Rp 915, it can be said that the market price of HMSP’s shares is undervalued. As a result, the researcher suggests investing in HMSP shares. The suggestion is being made because there is a chance for investors to profit from capital gains and dividends because the market price of HMSP is still undervalued in comparison to its underlying worth.

Correlation of Body Composition and Coordination of Specific Footballers’ Position among Professional Football Players

The game of football is a competitive team sport that requires an essential component of motor fitness, body composition, psychological, technical, and tactical components for enhanced performance. This study assessed the correlation of body composition and coordination of specific footballers’ positions among professional football players. This study utilised a correlational research design. Participants in this study comprised twenty-nine (29) football players who play for a professional team in Nigeria. There were 12 forwards, 6 midfielders, 4 goalkeepers, and 7 defenders among the participants. The participants’ hand-eye coordination was evaluated using the alternate hand wall toss test. The beurer diagnostic scale was used to measure the participants’ body fat percentage and muscle mass. Results were analysed using pearson’s product moment correlation and linear regression. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. A significant positive moderate correlation was observed between muscle mass and coordination among forwards (r = 0.550, p = 0.044). There was no significant correlation between muscle mass and coordination among defenders, midfielders, and goalkeepers. Likewise, there was no significant correlation between body fat percentage and coordination among football players in all the playing positions. The hand-eye coordination of forwards is significantly correlated with their muscle mass. In other words, a forward’s muscle mass affects their degree of hand-eye coordination. Therefore, football regulatory bodies and trainers could utilise the muscle mass of forwards to predict their hand-eye coordination ability. This finding should be considered by the coaches and governing bodies of football teams before designating players to playing positions in the game of football. Furthermore, there is a need for training programs specifically designed to monitor and enhance the muscle mass of forwards in a football team in order to enhance hand-eye coordination.

Proposed Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy at Serayu Kopi Medan

Serayu Kopi is a food and beverage business that sells food and beverages, especially those made from coffee. Serayu Kopi was founded in 2017 with a vision to become a cafe that serves high quality food and drinks from local ingredients. Currently, Serayu Kopi has 18 employees to support its operational activities. Currently, Serayu Kopi is facing a problem where there is a very significant decline in sales from 2020. This is because the promotional mix has not been maximized to achieve sales targets. The author conducts internal and external analysis to reach the root cause of the Serayu Kopi problem. The internal analysis carried out is the current marketing strategy and the resource and capability framework. From the results of the internal analysis, it was found that the promotional mix carried out by Serayu was not optimal to achieve its target. The author conducted an external analysis consisting of PESTLE, Competitor analysis, and consumer analysis. From the results of the competitor analysis, it was found that competitors did a better promotional mix than Serayu. From the results of consumer analysis, researchers used the SEM PLS application in processing questionnaires and it was found that the target market of Serayu only chose 3 variables from Integrated Marketing Communications that were suitable for visit Intentions, namely: Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Personal Selling. These 3 variables are considered by consumers to be the main key in increasing Visit Intention. The results of the study reveal that the root cause of the decline in sales at Serayu Kopi is the gap between integrated marketing communications that are being carried out with expectations from consumers and promotions carried out by competitors. Therefore, the author gives two suggestions, namely improvements to integrated marketing communications that focus on 3 variables that are significantly related to visit intention, namely: Advertising, Sales Promotion and Personal Selling; and reducing the cost of production in order to maximize the profits found in running sales promotions.

Validated RP – HPLC Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Tadalafil and Dapoxetine in Combined Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Aim: To develop a new, simple, fast, rapid, accurate, efficient and reproducible RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous estimation of Tadalafil and Dapoxetine.

Background: Estimation of Tadalafil and Dapoxetine is a combination drug of choice used to treat preamature ejaculation in men.

Objective: The main objective of the Simultaneous estimation of combined drug is to establish identity, physical characteristics and potency of the drugs and to demonstrate the suitability of the assay method to provide useful data to ensure the technique gives satisfactory and consistent results.

Materials and methods: A HPLC (Inertsil, Water2695) with UV/VIS Detector/PDA detector, UV (lab India, UV 3000+ series) and Inertsil C18 250mm × 4.6mm × 5µm column was used. A new method was established for simultaneous estimation of Dapoxetine   and Tadalafil by RP-HPLC method.  The chromatographic conditions were successfully developed for the separation of Dapoxetine   and Tadalafil by using inertsil C18 5µm (4.6*250mm) column, flow rate was 1ml/min, mobile phase ratio was Phosphate buffer (0.05M) pH 3: MEOH (30:70%v/v) (pH   was   adjusted   with   orthophosphoric   acid), detection wave length was 260nm.

Results: The results were in good agreement with those obtained with official HPLC with absorption maximum of 260 nm by preparing mobile phase 70:30 methanol: phosphate buffer with flow rate 1 ml/min and it run for 30 minutes by selecting column Inertsil C18 4.6mm×250 mm. All the results obtained with good precise, accurate and robustness as per international conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that the proposed RP-HPLC method is accurate, precise, sensitive, robust and reproducible for the simultaneous analysis of Tadalafil and  Dapoxetine    with less tailing factor and is also economical.Inertsil C18 column (4.6×250mm)5µ, flow rate was 1ml/min. Both samples scan in the range of 200 to 400 nm and maximum wavelength was identified at 260 nm.