Association of Social Anxiety Disorder and Self-Esteem among Young Adults – A Single Centre Study

Social anxiety disorder is a serious mental health issue in India which often goes undiagnosed and undertreated [3]. In addition, studies have shown social anxiety disorder to have an inverse relation to self-esteem [13]. The aim of the study is to evaluate the association between social anxiety disorder and low self-esteem among young adults. The research is a cross sectional descriptive study among the medical undergraduates. Among the participants suffering from social anxiety disorder many of the individuals had social phobia while a few had traditional social anxiety as well. As a result the prevalence of low self-esteem in the study group has a direct association with social anxiety disorder and shows statistically significant data. Thus, an effective way to deal with this condition would be to spread awareness and establish an active student support system and guidance team on campus.

Reluctant to be Educational Leader

Our study investigates the leaders’ challenges looked at by current educational organizations. Universally, the requirement for top-notch academic administration has never been more noteworthy. However, developing proof recommends that hardly any academics are quick to lock-in. In this study, we explore scholastic educational leadership at the principal of a school from organizational and scholarly viewpoints. Our objectives are to explain early job academic approaches and positions towards scholastic educational leadership, what may lie behind these, and make proposals about how to support their future enthusiasm for scholastic educational leadership.
A privately respondent included, which was the principal of a school in Malaysia. The information was gathered from interview questions and utilizing meeting strategies dependent on semi-structured questions. Meeting information was dissected through a precise coding procedure to discover themes. In view of the examination of these topics, the most noteworthy subjects that developed reliably are hierarchical culture measurement, trailed by vision, strategic, authoritative objectives measurement, trailed by a common duty measurement, and the least is the element of reluctant leadership practices. The school vision, crucial, objectives were shared among individuals in the arranging and performance of exercises. Be that as it may, as a type of leader dependent on shared exercises, there are still spaces for improvements, for example, common belief, familiarity, and input of duties.
Overall, our small research gives clear to the developing collection of speculations and procedures researching advanced education culture. While the contextual analysis discoveries may not be generalizable, different organizations may profit by a portion of the bits of knowledge give.

The Importance of Distributed Leadership Practice Perceived By the Head of the Department: A Study of a Public University in Afghanistan

This qualitative scale research means to comprehend the act of distributive leadership among senior colleges as like chancellor deans and administrators. The scientist used a non-trial subjective, grounded hypothesis to look into the plan. Theoretical framework distributing leadership in a school network gives a chance for educators to impact important community-oriented or collaborative practices through shared authority. Spillane (2005) clarified that dispersed leadership is a point of view of a calculated or analytic instrument for pondering school authority. It’s anything but a definite diagram for viable authority, nor an expose of how the leader ought to be practiced and shared duties have been a guide in creating research questions. A solitary respondent included, which was the head of the department. The information was gathered utilizing meeting strategies dependent on semi-organized inquiries. Meeting information was dissected through a precise coding procedure to discover themes. In view of the examination of these topics, the most noteworthy subjects that developed reliably are hierarchical culture measurement, trailed by vision, strategic, authoritative objectives measurement, trailed by a common duty measurement, and the least is the element of initiative practices. The university vision, crucial, objectives were shared among individuals in the arranging and performance of exercises. Be that as it may, as a type of authority dependent on shared exercises, there are still spaces for improvements, for example, common trust, closeness, and sharing of obligations.

Medical use of Phenol

In organic chemistry, phenols, in some cases called phenolic, are a class of substance compounds comprising of at least one hydroxyl gatherings (- OH) fortified straightforwardly to a sweet-smelling hydrocarbon bunch. The easiest is phenol, C_6 H_5 OH. Sorption of phenolic compounds is an exceptionally perplexing cycle and many variables impact it. Toward the start, definite compound construction of phenols is given its ramification for actual properties, for instance, benefits of dissolving and edges of boiling over, solvency in water, pKa and Log P. Additionally impact of enacting and deactivating substituents on the properties is clarified. On this premise, cooperation with the most often utilized sorbents, for instance, artificially changed silica’s, polymers and permeable carbons, is depicted. Phenol is a kind of natural compound. It has a somewhat sweet aroma that could help you to remember some place that is clean, for example, a medical clinic room. In restricted amounts, it’s accessible for quite a long time and wellbeing related employments.

Isomeric Properties of Organic Compounds

Organic compounds have different linear and branched elaborate formulas, so if two organic compounds with the same molecular formulas and different elaborate formulas are called isomers of each other. The same but differs in structural formula and physical properties is called isomerism and the phenomenon is called isomerism. Spectroscopic research has shown that the chemical and physical Properties change and new materials emerge with new properties, but the change in the position of the bonds within a molecule only causes a change in the physical properties and leads to the formation of isomers.

Review of Some Herbal Agents Having Antiviral Activity

Antiviral is such as an agent, defined as used to treat the targeted virus, or vaccine to produce an antibody against the virus. It gives a proactive therapeutic effect. On the other hand, there is a long traditional use of herbal medicine in the medical platform. The herbal medicine is ornamented with a wide therapeutic window and its side effect is less. The synthetic drug sometimes invites some adverse effects, which is more important that is it occurs more frequently. This gives the opportunity to the researchers to get the noble drug based on the herbal formulation. This review reveals the many herbal plants with their use against the specific virus with the experimental method, based on the knowledge of the Indian traditional system of medicine. The recent database shows the growing research with the herbal medicine, with their therapeutics, especially this time of the society, suffering from the covid -19 (Coronavirus disease), because the doctors have no other options except steroid. So traditional plants open a new chapter in the research of the new antiviral drug.

A Rare Case of Hyphema in Fuchs Heterochromic Iridocyclitis After Peri-bulbar Block for Cataract Surgery

We report a case of 47 year old male patient with Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis and cataract in left eye who developed hyphema after peri-bulbar block for cataract surgery. The patient developed Amsler like Sign. It appeared few minutes after Peri-bulbar block following digital massage before any instrumentation of the globe. Surgery was post-poned to rule out globe perforation or any other pathology for Anterior Chamber bleed. All possible causes were ruled out and patient was eventually taken up for Cataract Surgery which was uneventful without any intra-op or post-op complications.

User Generated Contents in Digital Media – A Study on Customer Perception

User generated contents are any type of contents which are created and shared by the customers voluntary through any digital platforms from their experiences with the product or service. User generated contents make positive or negative impact to the business. So user generated content acts as both opportunity and challenge to the business. In this study the researcher is aimed to study the customer’s perception on user generated contents in digital media. Both primary and secondary data are used. Primary data are collected from 26 males and 24 female respondents. Primary data is analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent sample t test and one way ANOVA. The results of the study revealed that respondents are perceived that user generated contents are reliable, informative, builds trust, helps to take purchase decisions, user generated contents are authentic and relevant. And this study also tested the influence of demographic factors like gender and age on the perception of customers on user generated contents on digital media.

Review of the Effects of Water Characteristics and Quality on Human Health

This paper reviews water quality parameters and their health effects on humans with the objective of enlightening the public on drinking water guidelines, the focal point and protection measures. It is also intended to help evade the health catastrophe that manifests as a result of ingesting water containing substances in excess concentration of recommended limits. Sources of water are reviewed, including rain water, surface water and groundwater. The presence and level of the biological, physical and chemical constituents referred to as water parameters which determine its suitability for drinking were also reviewed. Biological parameters are microorganisms, while physico-chemical parameters include temperature, color, dissolved solids, cations, etc. Drinking water quality standards as well as the health impacts of water quality parameters were discussed. Some of the health impacts include water borne diseases, organ failures, cancer, neurological damage, etc. The paper concludes that microorganisms and chemical constituents in drinking water sources and supply can directly or indirectly impair the use of the water for human consumption. Recommendations were made including the disinfection of drinking water sources to prevent growth of disease causing organisms, hand washing to prevent infections including Covid 19 virus and laboratory assessment of water quality parameters to ascertain their conformity with drinking water standards.

The Management of English Teaching at Foreign Language Centers in Hanoi in the Context of Integration

This research focuses on analyzing the current situation of the management of English teaching at private foreign language centers in Hanoi. Research results show that the surveyed foreign language centers have performed to a fairly good level the management contents of English teaching at private foreign language centers in Hanoi in the context of integration. In particular, the foreign centers have performed quite well the contents of input management, process management, output management and management of contextual factors affecting English teaching at private foreign language centers in Ha Noi in the context of integration. However, there are still some issues that management subjects need to improve, such as the management of admissions, teacher training, and the collection of student feedbacks.