Investigations of the Ultimate and Proximate Analysis of Coal Samples from the Singrauli Coalfield, India

Coal is a mixture of heterogeneous sedimentary rock materials; it includes organic and inorganic constituents. The utilisation potential of any coal depends on its chemical constituents, and the gross calorific value defines its usefulness in thermal power generation and other industries. In this study, we collected non-coking coal from the Singrauli coalfields region in India. These coals have been analysed for proximate and ultimate analysis and GCV (gross calorific value). The grade of coal varies from G6 to G9. De-ashing and clean coal technology are required. This study will reveal the reasons for grade variation in coal, which will be useful in thermal power industries.

Accelerating Industry 4.0 for Plant Efficiency Case of PT. Bangun Perkasa

Industry 4.0 buzz has moved from hype to investment and real benefit today. Many companies expect to significantly increase their portfolios of digital products, services, and operations. Hence, the companies have a mission to have highly digitalized horizontal and vertical value chain processes. The cement industry as one of the heavy manufacturing industries a has target to increase plant efficiency. It will include equipment efficiency, energy utilization, productivity, and production maintenance cost by implementing the transformation.
Cement market competition become more challenging and harder in Indonesia with the growth of new cement players. As the result, capacity was getting higher and higher. Even though the demand increase was not significant so the utilization of the cement industry drop to 60% approximately. Therefore, the need for cost efficiency is more urgent for business sustainability and one of the key factors is Industry 4.0 transformation.
This research will focus on the assessment and actual implementation of Industry 4.0 in the cement plant PT. Bangun Perkasa. PT. Bangun Perkasa is on level 3 with the predicate “Company is at MATURE step in Industry 4.0 transformation” by using INDI 4.0 (Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index) tool from Indonesia Ministry of Industry. As a result, most technologies that are considered as important to be accelerated and deliver more benefit for plant efficiency are big data analytics & advanced algorithms and smart sensors.

Post Renal Transplant Infections: A Six Month Follow-Up Study from a Kidney Transplant Institute of North India

Transplantation returns the majority of patients to an improved life-style and an improved life expectancy, as compared to patients on dialysis. Infections are the most prevalent cause of morbidity and mortality in kidney transplant recipients, with more than 80% suffering at least one episode of infection in the first year. The method of data collection in this study was prospective hospital record analysis, all renal transplant recipients were screened pre operatively for the presence of any overt or occult infection. The predominant age group undergoing renal transplantation was between 18 – 29 yrs. Urinary tract infections were the highest and commonest infections observed. The microorganisms involved in the infections were Bacteria (36.4%), Viruses (7.6%), Fungi (3.7%) and Parasites (5.5%). In Urinary tract infection, E. coli followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae were the predominant bacterial isolates. Candida albicans were the commonest fungi isolated. Among the Gastrointestinal tract infections, Cryptosporodium was the commonest Protozoal isolate. Cryptococcus neoformans was isolated in two cases of meningitis. In this study the organisms causing infection during the immediate operative period have been categorized, which will give the treating physician a reasonable idea to suspect the system and cause of infection during the particular post renal transplant period. This study has focused to evaluate the spectrum of infectious complications in post renal recipients in first 6 months of follow up and evaluate the most common type of infection.

Legal Protections for Debtors of Banks Providing Mortgage in Facing Execution Parates

Legal protection can be interpreted as protection by law or protection by using legal institutions and means. Legal protection is the protection of dignity and worth, as well as the recognition of human rights owned by legal subjects based on legal provisions from arbitrariness. This current study reveals preventive and repressive legal protections for debtors of banks providing mortgage in facing execution parates, according to the Indonesian law (UUHT). The result shows that the preventive legal protections include: Rescheduling, Reconditioning, Restructuring, Combination, Takeover of debtor assets, and Credit conversion. On the other hand, the repressive legal protections include: Execution through public auction, Execution through underhand sales, and Execution via PUPN/BUPLN.

Land Holding Using Blockchain

Blockchain has been found of great use in various sectors and this technology promises much more because of the high level of security it provides and blockchain provides us trade without the need of any mediators so Land holding system seems to be a very promising area of interest.
All the countries around the world are now implementing blockchain in the area of land registrations in India, we should also consider it as a viable option. The blockchain has provided major security benefits in diverse fields. Therefore, this land holding system is implemented using a blockchain architecture.
In India main problems in traditional land holding system include space constraints, fraud in land registry, lack of uniformity and poor maintenance of land records, lack of single window title verification and investigation system, fear of destruction of records by force majeure events. Therefore, a blockchain is prepared to aid these problems in order to solve these problems we have analyzed, identified and developed an application with the help of blockchain smart contracts. In this paper we are developing a land holding System to encounter the problems in traditional systems.

Creative Mathematics Outcomes Achieved by the Junior High School Students as Characteristics of Mathematics Education at St. Paul University

The study integrated the Charism Core Value of St. Paul University to the Mathematics Subject in Junior High School which is translated into a learning outcome pertaining to becoming a creative, resourceful explorer and problem solver. The junior high school students’ achievement of the mathematics learning competencies infused with the Charism core value was determined with the use of researcher-made questionnaires administered to 151 Science Class students enrolled in St. Paul University Surigao during the school year 2019-2020. Data gathered were analyzed using means and standard deviation. As a result, it was determined that the students under study achieved the creative mathematics outcomes and competencies to some extent. As to the specific indicators, the students under study were observed to be doing well at acknowledging points for improvement when solving problems to some extent compared to other indicators as they engaged in their mathematics classes. However, the same students were discovered to be weaker in terms of exhibiting giftedness as they translate mathematical knowledge into meaningful contexts.

Fiscal Analysis Based on the Implementation of Regional Development in Badung Regency, Bali in 2021

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Covid-19 on the Regional Budget of Badung Regency in 2021 in terms of the aspect of the resulting fiscal gap. This study was designed using a quantitative approach and validated by a qualitative approach. Quantitative data was obtained from budget documents before and after the Covid-19 outbreak and analyzed using the fiscal gap formula. Qualitative data were analyzed by sorting and selecting data (reduce), presenting data (display), and concluding data (conclusion: drawing/verifying). These three analytical techniques are carried out at each stage of the research, both at the preparation stage, the implementation stage in the field, and after the stage in the field. The results of the study found that the weighted value of the population index was 0.344 GDP/capita 0.324 human development 0.267 construction cost 0.247 and area 0.03. Based on the results of these studies, it is recommended to the Badung Regency Government, so that in making development policies pay attention to the value of the index weights that affect the general allocation fund in designing the regional revenue and expenditure budget.

Nutritional composition of Raw and Roasted Garden Cress Seed (Lepidium sativum L.) Flour

Background: Garden cress is one of the traditional medicinal plants packed with nutrients. In India, garden cress seeds are consumed either raw or in processed forms. The different processes employed such as roasting may provide palatability, acceptable colour, and texture and raise the nutritional composition.
Methods: The present study was conducted to assess the nutritional composition of raw and roasted garden cress seed flour. Raw garden cress seed flour was developed by drying the seeds in oven at 600C for 45 minutes, followed by grinding and sieving through 60 mesh sieve. Roasted flour was developed by initial roasting of seeds in iron vessel followed by similar procedure as for raw flour. Both flours were stored in air tight containers for further research analysis. In nutritional composition moisture, total ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, total carbohydrate and physiological energy were assessed for both raw and roasted seed flour.
Results: The result of the nutritional composition for raw and roasted seed flour showed that roasted flour has a higher nutritional composition than raw seed flour. It can be concluded that processing not only improves the shelf life and acceptability but also improves the nutritional composition of flour, which can be helpful to maintain and improve health and nutritional status.

The Guest Satisfaction Acceleration Strategy Based on Importance Performance Analysis of Solaris Hotel Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

This research was conducted to determine the quality of service in increasing guest satisfaction at Hotel Solaris Kuta, service quality has five dimensions which include direct evidence (tangible), reliability (reliability), responsiveness (responsiveness), assurance (assurance), and empathy (empathy). The author uses research methods with data collection tools in the form of observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The sampling technique used accidental sampling, the sample used in this study amounted to 51 respondents. The data obtained comes from distributing questionnaires that have been tested with validity and reliability. The analysis techniques used in this study are servqual (Service Quality), IPA (Importance Performance Analysis). The results showed that the gap between positive and neutral servqual scores was more than the negative score gap, so it could be seen that the service quality of room attendants at Hotel Solaris Kuta had shown good service. Several indicators must be improved in terms of service quality, namely indicators of complete room facilities (Q1), room attendants who are neat and clean (Q3), and room attendants who are polite to guests (Q13). Meanwhile, indicators that need to be maintained for service quality are room attendants in keeping rooms looking clean (Q2), room attendants in paying attention to guest needs (Q4), room attendants’ readiness in serving guests (Q7), room attendants responding to complaints and wishes of guests (Q9).

Verbal Expression and Mother’s Desperation about Their Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Parents who have children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are challenging because these children are special and need special treatment. Because they are challenging, parents need support from their inner or outer circle. One of the strategies to get a support is by expressing what they feel. Feelings can be expressed in various ways, verbal and non-verbal. It can be in a non-formal situation like having a conversation in a community or a home environment. Thus, this research aims to describe the verbal expressions and desperation of the mothers to raise their children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This research uses phenomenological method called Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) because this study focuses on interpretive processes in understanding participants’ experiences ideographically. 25 participants are observed and interviewed in-depth regarding their experiences in raising their children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The participants’ verbal expression of desperation are classified into seven themes: Repeating the same instruction or warning over and over, Being different and isolated, Mess things up in the house, Could not stay still and unpredictable, Aggressiveness, irritation and tantrums, Extra effort for visual learner, Child lacks of motivation. The results show that the feeling of desperation persistently happened because it is difficult to understand the characteristics of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The also admit that it is difficult to make normal children and mothers to accept their circumstances. Meanwhile, other participants state that they seek more information and knowledge about ADHD by joining a community to get help or support psychologically and medically, practice and more practice at home in order to help their children grow better.