The Impact of Financial Knowledge, Financial Self-Efficacy, and Saving Behaviour on Junior High School Students: A Case Study of Rural and Urban Area Students

Financial knowledge, financial behaviour, financial self-efficacy, and financial behaviour are needed to make the right financial decisions. This study determines the differences in rural and urban junior high school students’ financial knowledge, financial behaviour, financial self-efficacy, and saving behaviour. This study also finds the influence of financial knowledge, financial self-efficacy, and saving behaviour on students’ financial behaviour. This study used the t-test, independent t-test and multiple linear regression methods to analyse the data obtained in the survey. The respondent of the survey is junior high school students aged 11 to 15 years. Data were obtained from the results of questionnaires filled in online by students. The results showed differences in financial knowledge, financial behaviour, and financial self-efficacy in rural and urban junior high school students. The findings in this study show that the financial behaviour of junior high school students in rural and urban areas shows the same results. Our research shows that demographics, financial knowledge, and financial self-efficacy influence students’ financial behaviour. However, financial behaviour is not influenced by students’ saving behaviour.

The Foundation of Islam, the Spirit of Pancasila to Shape the Character of the 2045 Golden Generation: A Literature Review

To find out the foundation of Islam, the soul of Pancasila to shape the character of the 2045 Golden Generation. The review process starts with a search engine (google scholar) to search for articles. Searches range from 2013-2020. Most of the research results show that Pancasila is the implementation of Islamic teachings so that practicing the values of Pancasila is part of worship in accordance with Islamic teachings and practicing Islam as a form of devotion and loyalty to the Indonesian nation Pancasila (Five Pillars) with values that able to build the character of youth in facing the challenges of the 2045 Golden Generation. The great hope is that in 2045 Indonesia will be filled with a generation that has noble character and has the spirit of Pancasila so that good character is formed, with the character instilled in the golden generation must be based on three aspects, namely the value of honesty, the value of truth and the value of justice. The character of the 2045 Golden Generation is the main force in building the nation’s future. So it is very important that the application of Pancasila values in the midst of society is synergized again with religious teachings in schools and further education institutions to students and the nation’s generation, in order to support the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), independence, sovereignty, and shape the character of the Generation. Gold 2045.

Allelopathic Potential of Rice Straw Incorporation on Weed Emergence in Rice Cultivars

Laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of in corporation of rice straw on the germination of different rice cultivars viz: ADT 36,ADT 38,ADT49,CO43.Further the allelopathic impact of crop residues on weed count and weed biomass was also registered. Different rates of incorporation was tried and higher the rate of incorporation, higher the inhibitions on rice and weed observations. Reduction in the performance of rice seed germination and growth parameters was observed with increased rice straw incorporation in all the four rice cultivars tried. Perhaps the rice straw incorporation had an influence on the biomass of rice cultivars too. Supporting research evidences also reveals that allelopathic effect of rice straw on rice and weed performance can stand as a remarkable achievement for recycling rice straw in rice producing countries.

The Effect of Nanogold-Nanosilver to Boost Immunity in People Affected (Reactive and Positive) by Covid-19

COVID-19 virus outbreak was first found in Wuhan China. The current COVID-19 is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (Sars-CoV-2). The interaction of the virus with the immune system causes the immunity of people affected by the outbreak to decrease. The combination of nanogold and nanosilver, that is an antimicrobial and antiviral agent, can inhibit the replication of the COVID-19 virus an d act as drug delivery. This research aims to determine the effect of nanogold-nanosilver that can increase immunity in people who are positively affected by the COVID-19 virus. The method used in this research was quantitative descriptive by describing the effect of the nanogold-nanosilver health drink given to increasing human immunity exposed to the COVID-19 virus seen from the number of respondent cures. The respondents consumed 500 mL of health drinks containing nanogold and nanosilver compounds with a concentration of 2 ppm per day. Based on the data obtained, the combination of nanogold and nanosilver could increase the immunity of people affected by COVID-19, marked by physical changes that became healthier, fitter and negative swab test results and accelerate the healing of COVID-19 patients.

Web-Based Student Project Management System: A Tetfund Institution-Based Research Report

Students’ final year projects are often characterized by poor quality, duplication of existing works, prolonged research writing and late submission. This TetFund sponsored research project: Web-based Student Project Management System, is designed with the latest technologies to mitigate these challenges. The project is designed to provide continuous, timeless and boundless communication between project coordinators and students, students and their supervisors, as well as students researching in the same field. The project automates routine project activities such as listing and selection of project topics, approval of project topics, project report writing guidelines, student/supervisor correspondence, assessment and report submission, and finally report storage and management. Thus, it will eliminate the duplication and recycling of existing projects by making sure that such projects are rejected automatically at the very point of submission for approval, as well as guarantee high quality and timely completion and submission of students’ projects. Agile software design approach, due to its high degree of stakeholder involvement and incremental testing of functionalities, was deployed to design the project. Also the system was developed using Java programming language with Apache Tomcat Server and MySQL as the Database Management System.

Motivation of Tiktok Users

In a world where technology is part of people’s lives and where most people are present on social networks, research is needed to highlight the importance and usefulness of these social networks. Since 2016, a new social network has joined this community: TikTok. Through this approach we aim to identify the reasons why people stormed the social network TikTok. Through an analysis of the literature, we will follow the motivation of people to be present on TikTok and we will determine if the identified reasons are influenced by the coronavirus pandemic. Without a doubt, the pandemic that started at the end of 2019 has changed the lives of many people, from different perspectives. The analyzed perspective in this article is that of the activity on social networks. Through this study, we want to determine if the pandemic was the reason for the growth of the TikTok community in such short time.

E-Commerce Apps – Solutions for Farm-Household in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Research on Suppliers of Lychee Products According to Global Gap Standards

In the context of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in countries around the world, it is extremely hard for farmers to consume agricultural products, thereby affecting their production results. This study was designed to analyze the factors affecting the production and business results of lychee farmers in Vietnam in the context of the influence of the Covid 19 pandemic. Data for the study was collected from a survey of about 400 lychee production households according to Global Gap standards in Vietnam. Research findings have shown that the revenue from the supply of lychee products of farmers in Vietnam has decreased after the effects of Covid 19. Along with that, factors also have different degrees of influence on the business results of lychee-producing households. Especially in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic, e-commerce has become an effective consumption channel, supporting the consumption of products of lychee producers in Vietnam. In the light of those findings, the author provided recommendations for lychee product suppliers in Vietnam on how to solve their problems.

Minor Crops: A Path towards Crop Diversification

With passage of time, there has been paradigm shift observed in dietary intake of people henceforth disturb­ing the balance of nutrients required by the body. Due to the leap towards major cereal crops to feed the growing population, impetus towards minor crops have observed a continuous decline. This ap­proach have also led to emergence of various nutritional deficiencies. Though these crops are neglected but are treasure house of various nutrients needed for all-round development of an individual. This re­view examines and compares the nutritional aspects of major cereal crops to minor crops and also dis­cusses the abundant health benefits provided by few minor crops, as well their prevalence in context to Indian subcontinent.

Assessment of Performance Appraisal in Visakhapatnam Port Trust (VPT)

Once the employee has been selected, trained and motivated, he is then appraised for his performance. Performance appraisal is the step where the management finds out how effective it has been at hiring and placing employees. Thus, teachers evaluate the performance of students, bankers evaluate the performance of creditors, parents evaluate the behavior of their children and all of us consciously or unconsciously evaluate our own actions from time to time. In social interactions, performance is considered a systematic and planned manner to achieve widespread popularity in recent years.

Performance appraisal is essential to understand and improve the employee’s appraisal. It was viewed that performance appraisal was useful to decide upon employee promotion/transfer salary determination and the like. But the recent development in human resources management, it indicates the levels of desired performance levels, of actual performance in gap between this two. This gap should be bridged through human resources development techniques like training, executive development etc., For the main asset is employees according to the employee’s performance the production, sale is happened to the organization according to that the profit and growth of the organization is increased or decreased for that the employee performance is most important. The employee performance is known by performance evaluation only.

In other words, performance appraisal can be defined as the systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to their performance on the job and their potential development and his or her judgments, targets achieved by him or her, etc. The study aimed to investigate the assessment of performance appraisal is given to the employees working in the Visakhapatnam port trust.

Gingival Pyogenic Granuloma -Clinical Case Report

Pyogenic granuloma is a vascularized non neoplastic lesion, in the oral cavity, caused by trauma, local irritants or hormonal factors, with a higher prevalence in women, present more frequently in the mandible than in the maxilla. It is not associated with pus as its name suggests and histologically it resembles an angiomatous lesion rather than a granulomatous lesion. It is known by a variety of names such as Crocker and Hartzell’s disease, granuloma pyogenicum, granuloma pediculatum benignum, benign vascular tumor and during pregnancy as granuloma gravidarum Treatment consists of removal of local irritant, if any followed by excisional biopsy. This clinical case report presents the clinical and histopathological characteristics of the large pyogenic granuloma in a 36-year-old female, who reported to the Department of Santosh Dental College, Ghaziabad. Intraoral examination revealed a lesion mainly non tender, sessile, soft in consistency and measuring approximately 16by 9 mm in diameter in the posterior side of maxillary first quadrant. Keeping in view the characteristics of the lesion, anamnesis and the literature, the pyogenic granuloma and giant cell granuloma were defined as diagnostic hypotheses. Excisional biopsy was done and specimen was sent for histopathological evaluation.