Abstract :
Tuberculosis is a public health problem throughout the world. Mortality and morbidity rates of tuberculosis continue to rise. This study aims to determine the effectives of deep breathing and effective coughing technique against airway clearance in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. This research is a Quasi Experiment with the design of the study one group pretest posttest held in one of the hospitals in the city of Padang. Samples taken as many as 12 people. The data collection is done by observation. Univariate data analysis performed using descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis with statistical paired t-test. The results of this study 33.3% of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with the deep breathing that is not good, 33.3% of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with cough ineffective, 100% of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with airway clearance were not clean before the deep breathing and effective cough techniques, 33.3% of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with airway clearance were not clean after the deep breathing and effective coughing techniques, there is influence of deep breathing and coughing techniques against airway clearance in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. This study shows that there is influence of deep breathing and efective cough techniques against airway clearance in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Through leader the hospital, is expected to increase patient motivation in doing deep breathing and coughing techniques in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
Keywords :
airway clearance, deep breathing, effective coughing, TuberculosisReferences :
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