Abstract :
Brand Awareness and perception of a consultancy is an important aspect to have in a way to expanding new business and targeting new clients. In order to do this, local branding consultancy have to own their brand awareness and conduct a measurement survey to the targeted SME to exposing their current position. This paper will present the analysis of brand awareness and brand expectation of branding consultancy by using quantitative semantic scale survey to the local SME in Bandung to know if the brand awareness and expectations factors have direct impact to POT Branding House hiring requirements. The results show 1) POT Branding House brand awareness is low, thus these SMEs are not fully aware of this consultancy to be able to hire them, 2) Digital presence is one of the crucial judgments towards a brand, POT Branding House digital presence is also low and need a higher performance 3) Price, product offer, portfolio and skills are factors that are important to be included. From those interpretation, the researcher formulated a marketing mix that includes promotion (to represent digital presence), price, product offer, and physical evidence (portfolio) to the implementation plan that will be spread out into two years of operation.
Keywords :
Brand awareness, Brand expectation, Branding consultancy, Marketing MixReferences :
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