Abstract :
Background: Prenatal yoga is a slow movement exercise combined with breathing exercises to maintain the posture of the mother-to-be, calm the soul, and prepare for birth by reducing pain, increasing physical and psychological comfort.
Purpose: To determine the effect of the combination of prenatal yoga on the length of labor at the Nambo Public Health Center.
Method: quasi-experimental with Non-Equivalent Group Design. The sample is pregnant women in the working area of the NamboPublic Health Center, totaling 60 people consisting of 30 treatment groups and 30 control groups. Sampling with purposive sampling technique. Data analysis using t-test.
Conclusion: There is an effect of prenatal yoga practice on the duration of the second stage of labor in the working area of the Nambo Health Center, Kendari City.
Keywords :
Childbirth, Length of Stages I and II, Yoga Practice.References :
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