Abstract :
XYZ Corporate University plays a role in developing employee competencies, supporting XYZ Corporation performance, and filling competency gaps. One of the performance indicators is the Customer Satisfaction Index. The data shows that there is a gap, where the assessment from the participants states that the average rating has met the target, but the scores from superiors and business unit heads are still far from the target score. This brings forth the question of relationship between elements of training evaluation that influence perceptions towards XYZ Corporate University and how to improve it. Quantitative research methodology is used in this research with primary data gathered from employees of XYZ Corporation who filled out a set of questionnaires. For analysis technique, linear regression analysis is performed. From these results, XYZ Corporate University needs to prioritize Learners’ Reaction and Changed Behavior after Learning, because increasing these two independent variables can affect the four dependent variables, namely positive perceptions of XYZ Corporate University. Of the five levels of training evaluation, Level 5, namely return on Training Investment, does not show a significant effect on perception, so further research is needed to examine its effect on training.
Keywords :
Corporate university, Customer satisfaction index, Perception, Training evaluation.References :
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