Abstract :
Background: The community in North Kolaka Regency already has an open system of household waste water disposal, but there are still many found in a damaged, cracked and even perforated condition. In addition, there are also those who make the channel not watertight by digging the soil in the form of a ditch. They also still use a stool that is not tight on one side. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk index of domestic wastewater pollution.
Method: This type of research is quantitative research with geographic information systems approach. Data was collected by survey method using questionnaires and observation sheets. The sample in this study was 5,320. Data analysis using equal interval on Quantum GIS application version 3.26.0.
Result: In the parameters of the safe suspect tank, most of the 5,320 respondents (99%) have an unsafe suspect septic tank, while 1% have a safe suspect tank. For the parameters of pollution due to the disposal of the contents of the septic tank, most of the 5,320 respondents (99.8%) are not safe against contamination of the contents of the septic tank, while 0.2% is classified as safe. And for the parameters of pollution due to waste water discharge channels from 5,320 respondents, most (73%) are classified as unsafe and the remaining 27% are classified as safe.
Conclusion: North Kolaka Regency 4 Districts with a risk index value are included in the moderate risk category, namely Tolala, Porehu, Central Pakue, and North Pakue Districts. 6 Districts are included in the high risk category, namely Batu Putih, Ngapa, Tiwu, Lasusua, Ranteangin, and Wawo Districts. While the other 5 sub-districts are in the very high category, namely Pakue, Watunohu, Kodeoha, Katoi, and Lambai sub-districts.
Keywords :
Domestic Wastewater, Risk IndeksGeographic Information System., Risk PollutionReferences :
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