Abstract :
PT. Aneka Tekstil Indonesia commonly called ATENDO is a company engaged in the textile sector. ATENDO has been producing textile products for the past three years or so, but until now there are still many people who do not recognize and do not believe in this company. This company faces the problem of a lack of brand awareness and a sense of trust from the public, resulting in several transactions being canceled by potential customers. In the midst of this digitalization era, people get more information and trust a company digitally through the internet. This study aims to help companies deal with problems related to promotional issues using internal and external company analysis. The results of the analysis show that the company has not carried out a marketing strategy through digital marketing. The author proposes the implementation of a new marketing strategy using new digital marketing techniques by creating a website for the company, then implementing SEO, and creating several social media for the company as a means of information and communication for testimonials from customers, some of these strategies are based on the results of internal, external, and SWOT analysis of the company.
Keywords :
Brand awareness, Digital marketing, Marketing Strategy, Social Media, Textile Industry.References :
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