Abstract :
One aspect that has not been considered in the process of transforming public transportation or angkutan umum (AU) in the Metropolitan Sarbagita area of Bali is integration, specifically physical integration (integration with walking, biking, and park-andride). We propose a framework for integrated parking planning at the University of Udayana (UNUD) campus in the city of Denpasar as an informal park-and-ride (PR) integrated with existing AU, specifically the Trans Sarbagita corridor 2 (City-GWK) which passes through the Denpasar and Bukit campuses in the Badung district. Integrated public transportation services are an attractive new form of service that combines fixed route services with responsive on-demand services. The goal of this study is to identify users of the PR at the UNUD campus and investigate their motives, demand, and preferences towards this option. In this paper, a comprehensive background is provided to describe the issues and challenges related to AU operations, directing research into the area of untapped issues by specifically discussing all the steps that must be taken when implementing an integrated approach at the operational and policy level towards sustainable mobility, transportation equity, and door-to-door services.
Keywords :
door-to-door service, Integrated public transportation, park-and-ride, sustainable mobility, Trans Sarbagita.References :
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