Abstract :
Following the implementation of the new norms, such as the relocation of MSMEs, the economy of Indonesia is beginning to recover. Returning to the economy in Indonesia, the implementation of this new normal has caused all nations to recommend economic activities, such as removing social restrictions to encourage people to work. New normal activities are characterized by production and consumption patterns that have an impact on digitalization. This study aims to propose marketing strategies to increase brand awareness of Ana Tenun Sukara, the research method used is non-probability aside from the purposive sampling method, states that non-probability sampling is a sampling technique with a population selected based on its availability or considering it can represent the population while purposive sampling is a sampling technique in which this technique chooses purposive sample that aims subjectively by distributing questionnaires to 200 respondents and processing data with PLS- SEM and analyzing internally with Marketing MIX 4P , STP, VRIO and external companies with 5porter porces, PEST and Competitor analysis. The results of this study indicate that social media marketing has a significant positive effect on brand awareness, and social media marketing has a significant positive effect on purchase intention and brand awareness has a significant positive effect on purchase intention.
Keywords :
Brand awareness, Price, Purchase Intention., Social Media Marketing, Weave.References :
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