Abstract :
Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are an important part of the economic system in Indonesia, this can be seen from the number compared to large-scale industrial enterprises. SMEs in their position have advantages compared to large-scale businesses, one of the advantages is being able to absorb more labor and accelerate the process of equitable development. However, currently, SMEs are experiencing problems in achieving better performance. These obstacles do not only come from within the SMEs organization but also from outside. Internal factors are factors that come from the work environment such as organizational culture, attitudes, and actions of colleagues as well as the organizational structure of the SMEs. Internal factors include intelligence it has, there are several bits of intelligence in humans, including emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and spiritual intelligence. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of spiritual intelligence, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence on SMEs actors during the Covid-19 period. This research is a quantitative study with a population of small and medium enterprises. The sampling method is purposive sampling, which was conducted using 90 samples. The approach of data analysis with multiple linear regression. The tool used is a regression with IBM SPSS 25 software. The results showed that spiritual intelligence, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence affected the performance of SMEs during the Covid-19 period.
Keywords :
COVID-19, Emotional, Enterprises, Performance, Social., SpiritualReferences :
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