Abstract :
Indonesia should be ready to face the technological transformation to become Society 5.0. The technological expansion has fueled concerns traditional institutions will not be able to produce enough graduates with digital skills the economy demands. This has led to the emergence of Education technology (EdTech), particularly a new kind of vocational training namely Coding Bootcamps. This research is intended to explore the determinants of students’ satisfaction in Coding Bootcamp platform in Indonesia. Three independent variables were being analyzed which are User Behavior on Coding Bootcamp Program (UB), User Experience (UE), and User Motivation (UM) to User Satisfaction (SAT). Then, User Satisfaction tested as mediating variable between the three independent variables to Continuance Intention (CI). Single, Multiple Regression along with Sobel test were conducted to analyze 262 questionnaire participants. Research resulted Satisfaction is significantly predicted by UB & UE. Then, Satisfaction have a significant relationship with CI. In accordance to Sobel test result, SAT significantly mediate the relationship between UB & UM to CI. Motivation is not found to be a significant variable in this research. Bootcamp models, however, have the potential to disrupt higher education and fundamentally alter the nature of education and training if they are successful in meeting the customer needs.
Keywords :
Coding Bootcamp, Continuance Intention, EdTech, User Behavior, User Motivation, User Satisfaction.References :
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