Abstract :
Over time, the growth of tourist destinations has led to a lot of new kinds of places to visit. One of them is making a “creative hub,” which is a place where creative people can meet and work together. On the other hand, the tourism industry’s incredible growth over the past fifty years has made it hard to market tourism. So, tourism marketers must now try to influence customer decisions in a global industry that is getting more complicated and competitive. A place needs to be in a good place in the minds of consumers for advertising to work in the targeted markets. Based on how destination image and creative hub are related, Bumi Arsa is one of the brands or businesses that are part of the creative hub industry. The problem with creative hub tourism is that they have to prove themselves to the market. According to the Bumi Arsa research respondent, they either didn’t know yet or even misinterpreted about the creative hub business model that leads into lack of unique selling point awareness (Bumi Arsa, 2022). The purpose of this research is to comprehend the perceived destination image and determine the expected destination image of Bumi Arsa. Therefore, this is qualitative research using descriptive methods analysis based on the destination image form framework as the baseline. The analysis used in this study uses internal and external point of view analysis with situation analysis (5C) to map current Bumi Arsa marketing performance, root cause analysis by fishbone diagram to determine the root cause of the business issue, Model of the formation of destination image as the basis of the research design, and destination image attribute to elaborate each factor that will affect the destination image for a creative hub. The findings of this thesis explain that in order to decide the expected destination image for a creative hub using the destination image form framework, a destination needs to manage expectations between the market perspective and internal business team based on the destination image attribute.
Keywords :
Bumi Arsa, Creative Hub, Destination Image Form Framework, Tourism MarketingReferences :
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