Abstract :
Nowadays, almost all aspects of our daily life intersect with design and creativity, and design is no longer an exclusive thing; it’s a part of lifestyle. People become aware about interior design. Ever since Covid-19 pandemic, people mostly spend their time at home. It cause increasing furniture demand. From the data shows that the number of construction company in Indonesia is growing every year. This create opportunities and potential for business market. Thudio is a new innovation for designers to make their work easier. It connects a lot of stakeholders, from designers and architects to customers and suppliers, to help consumer deliver the best result for interior design projects. Thudio is a variation on the word “studio,” which refers to a place where designers, artists, and innovators work, collaborate, and innovate. Thudio aspires to become a venue for innovation and collaboration in the home living market. With the marketing activities that have been implemented, Thudio should develop so that the consumer subscription target can be achieved.
The research strategy data collection method chosen for this research is questionnaires which is going to be administered through electronic and online questionnaires. This will be considered as the effective, and efficient way in capturing the information. Research with surveys by distributing questionnaires to interior designers that aim at describing and explaining business issues and seeks the answers by the user of the quantitative data. Research limitation; questioner only for Interior designer who works freelance, in-house, and as a student. The proposed questioner is designed to determine customer awareness of the Thudio brand and the services it provides. Also, to investigate whether factors influence users’ willingness to subscribe to a service.
The framework used in this research to analyse the result using 4V (Value proportion, value creation, value capture, and value delivery) to asses the freemium business strategy. As proposed solution to be implemented, researcher using business model canvas (BMC). Based on the analysis, Thudio must create marketing initiatives to increase the number of Thudio service consumers. Furthermore, the aspect that makes individuals want to subscribe to a service is differentiated distribution, which is influenced by the benefits supplied and the service’s goal. As a result, Thudio employs a freemium strategy in order to increase the number of Thudio service subscriptions.
Keywords :
4V analysis, Business Model Canvas, Freemium model, Subscription.References :
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