Abstract :
English is one of the most spoken languages in the world, and understanding the language opens a gateway to connecting with other cultures and unlocking a vast source of information from around the world. In Indonesia, one of the oldest and most prominent English course institutions known as LIA is recently struggling to retain a stable amount of students. Based on data provided by the institution, one of its branches experienced a decline from 1200 students to just 300.
The purpose of this research is to study the impact of customer experience and omnichannel marketing on customer switching behavior. This research utilizes a quantitative approach and purposive sampling of 234 respondents from active LIA students in Greater Jakarta, including its neighboring cities such as Bekasi, Tangerang, and Depok. The hypothesis was tested using multiple linear regression. The result of this study indicates that customer expectation and omnichannel marketing have a significant and positive impact on the switching behavior of LIA students. Findings from this study were useful for future research regarding these fields of study and the topics while also providing practical implementation of omnichannel marketing in the forms of social media advertising, search engine optimization, sales promotion, and conventional word-of-mouth marketing to attract potential customers and mitigate the switching behavior.
Keywords :
Conventional Word of Mouth, Customer Experience, English Course, Omnichannel Marketing, Sales Promotion., Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Advertising, Switching BehaviorReferences :
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