Abstract :
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a catastrophe in the healthcare sector and a customer shifting trend in how patients choosing a healthcare service as their medication platform. Furthermore, social media and internet users are both rapidly rising and individuals nowadays are also prone to being more aware of their health concerns. Healthcare services that are incapable to compete within the industry, survive the business and adapt to the changing consumer behavior will likely face the major issues. This study analyzed the business problem of Assyifa Specialist Clinic who faced a decreased in the patient visits and revenue in surviving the private clinic in the midst of Covid-19 outbreak. The author used Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning (STP), Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and value proposition canvas analysis through the quantitative research method to propose the marketing strategy to increase patient visit of Assyifa Specialist Clinic. The study found that there is still lack of clinic promotion and the access of clinic information is still low. Meanwhile, the current customers of Assyifa Specialist Clinic are mostly critical, curious, high self-awareness, smart and oversharing behaviors with health conscious, social media users, technology savvy, financially literate, well-educated and hygiene conscious lifestyle and in middle to high income level. To overcome, the gap between the Assyifa Specialist Clinic and the customers, the author intends to propose new marketing strategy as the business solution of Assyifa Specialist Clinic issue.
Keywords :
Customer shifting; Healthcare service; Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC); Segmenting; Targeting and Positioning (STP); Value proposition.References :
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