Abstract :
This study has purpose (1) to analyse the effect of financial literacy on the performance of MSMEs. (2) to analyse the effect of financial literacy on the performance of MSMEs moderated by e-commerce adoption. (3) to analyse the effect of financial literacy on the performance of MSMEs moderated by environmental uncertainty. The quantitative descriptive approach was used in this study, which included 175 SMEs in the culinary sector in Solo. Data sources were acquired from primary sources utilizing a closed questionnaire technique, and the measurement scale was a 5-point Likert scale. The Pearson Correlation and Cronbach Alpha tests are used to assess the data’s quality. The data analysis technique used regression analysis with the Absolute Difference test approach, after first performing the traditional assumption test. The results of the study show (1) Financial literacy has a significant effect on the performance of MSMEs in the culinary sector in Solo City. (2) E-commerce can moderate the influence of financial literacy on the performance of MSMEs in the culinary sector in Solo City. (3) Environmental uncertainty cannot moderate the influence of financial literacy on the performance of MSMEs in the culinary sector in Solo City.
Keywords :
E-Commerce, environmental uncertainty, Financial Literacy, MSMEs, PerformanceReferences :
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