Abstract :
This study aims to produce a decent Android-based interactive physics learning media, to know the user’s response to the learning media and to measure the effectiveness of the learning media. This type of research is development research using a 4-D model with 34 students as research subjects. The instruments used in this study were due diligence questionnaires by experts and physics teachers, student response questionnaires and tests. Based on the results of data analysis, the material expert validation was 96% with very feasible criteria, media expert validation was 96% with very feasible criteria and the physics teacher’s assessment was 80% with feasible criteria. Student responses to small group tests with 10 respondents obtained effective (2.8), productive (3), safe (2.9) and satisfied (3) results. Whereas in the large group test with 34 respondents the results were effective (3.12), productive (3.25), safe (3.01) and satisfied (3.17). Based on the calculation of the gain value, learning media is included in the medium category in the effectiveness of increasing students’ conceptual understanding with a value of 0.6.
Keywords :
4D, Android, Conceptual Understanding, Development, Learning Media.References :
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