Abstract :
Introduction: Immunization is the process of including the immunity in an individual against an infection organism or agent, through the vaccination. It stimulates immune system (either humeral or cell mediated) to generate specific protection against an infection agent. Vaccine may be prepared from live modified organism, inactivated or killed organism, toxics, or combination of these. The immune system protects an individual against invasion by foreign bodies, specifically microbial agent and their toxoid product.
Design: The analysis of data was done by descriptive and inferential statistics.
Tool: using a simple random sampling technique.
Sample size: The sample size was 45.
Result: That between age and knowledge level 21 to 22 years of students had adequate (100%) knowledge, between source of information and knowledge level family member has adequate (57.14) knowledge, between area of residence and knowledge level are English language had adequate (50%) knowledge, between parents education and knowledge level 12th pass has adequate (44.74%) knowledge, between course of study and knowledge level GNM students had adequate (66.67) knowledge on immunization schedule. The study result show that knowledge score on immunization for average mean is 12.62 and standard deviations is 5.18.
Keywords :
1st year students of nursing, Immunization, Vaccination.References :
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