Abstract :
Covid-19, declared a global pandemic by WHO, has infected 10,242,298 cases in Indonesia. Especially in Southeast Sulawesi, there were 521 cases, with the most in Kendari city. Public health centers are generally the first goal of treatment by the community, so they must be able to manage and utilize their resources effectively and efficiently in breaking the chain of Covid-19 transmission. COVID-19 impacts changes in health services carried out at the Puskesmas, so it is crucial to evaluate the quality of drug management at the puskesmas during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to evaluate the quality of drug management in all outpatient health centers in Kendari City during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was descriptive and non-experimental with retrospective data collection in all outpatient health centers in Kendari City using the Satibi indicator as a subject with research objects including drug stock cards, LPLPO, RKO, and several other documents. Based on the results, all puskesmas remained active in proposing drugs to FORNAS during the pandemic. However, the percentage value of the suitability of drug items available with FORNAS did not yet meet the standards. The accuracy of planning, the suitability of the number of requests, and the suitability of the number of receipts are not up to standard. Storage according to dosage form, temperature, LASA, and FEFO were following standards, the accuracy of distribution, empty stock items, insufficient stock, safe stock, and the excess stock did not meet standards, and there were still expired or damaged drugs. The suitability of the physical amount of the drug meets the standard, but there are outpatient health centers that do not evaluate drug management periodically during 2020.
Keywords :
COVID-19, drug management, pandemic, Public Health, PuskesmasReferences :
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