Abstract :
Based on extant literature, there is lack of empirical research targeting the influence of supply chain finance risks on companies’ performance in general [6] and to our knowledge research on such topic in the context of developing countries is scarce. Consequently, this paper seeks to investigate the impact of supply chain finance risks on Moroccan companies’ logistics and economic performance. Semi structured interviews with executives of Moroccan companies would be carried out to examine their awareness of supply chain finance risks and how they address such issues.
Accordingly, the research originality lies in the fact that we contribute to extant literature on supply chain risk management and supply chain finance risk mitigation which would offer new insights to theory. Concerning managerial implications, our prospective results would be helpful to companies in Morocco and elsewhere in order to understand and address the issues related to supply chain finance risks and how the latter impact their organizational and economic performance. Furthermore, by investigating Moroccan companies in the context of a developing country we provide a new perspective since most of the studies on supply chain finance focused on developed and emergent economies.
Keywords :
Moroccan companies, SMEs performance., Supply chain finance, Supply chain risk managementReferences :
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