Abstract :
The group of people most vulnerable to the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is the people with income generated from daily income. In addition, the positive impact of this pandemic is an opportunity for Indonesia to be able to strengthen the domestic economy because the government will prioritize and strengthen purchasing power in the country only so that investment remains stable. Therefore, this research aims to find out the picture of people’s behavior and economy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this article is the study of literature, where a study whose research object is in the form of literature works, whether in the form of scientific journals, books, articles, or statistical data that have existed before. The nature of this article is descriptive analysis, where researchers provide education and understanding to readers. The spread of the Covid-19 virus has an impact both directly and indirectly on the community and certainly pays enough attention to the government. As for the impact arising from the Covid-19 pandemic on people’s behavior and economy, namely social restrictions, people are required to wash their hands often, wear masks, people’s incomes are decreasing, many economic activities are closed, the economy of the community and the region decreases, the market price of produce decreases, and basic needs are increasingly soaring from normal prices.
Keywords :
Behavior Overview, Community Economy, pandemicReferences :
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