Abstract :
Metaliteracy is urgently needed in the digital era, however, is still not widely owned by students. This metaliteracy requires high-level thinking skills to process various problems with various media sources, as well as it requires a collaborative environment. To achieve a good metaliteracy equipped with a higher thinking skill, we will implement research-based learning with a STEM approach in the learning process. This study uses a mixed-method by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The subject of this study is the students of mathematics education as the candidates for teachers. They are grouped into two classes, namely, experiment class and control class. We used an independent sample t-test to determine the significant difference in the students’ metaliteracy between the experiment class and the control class under the implementation of the research-based learning model with the STEM approach to resolve the strong domination problem. Before testing the significant difference, we tested the homogeneity. The test results on the pre-test items showed that the significance score is 0.747 > 0.05, meaning the two classes are homogeneous. The independent sample t-test showed that the score is 0.020 < 0.05, which indicates that the difference between the two classes is significant. It implies that implementing the research-based learning materials with a STEM approach affects the students’ metaliteracy improvements.
Keywords :
Metaliteracy, Research-Based Learning, Resolving Strong Domination Problem, STEM.References :
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