Abstract :
The e-wallet industry in Indonesia is growing, with these developments creating intense competition. LinkAja is one of the e-wallet in Indonesia which was launched in 2019. LinkAja is initiated by BUMN (State-owned enterprises) and HIMBARA (State-owned bank association). LinkAja’s total awareness is quite high compared to its competitors, but just some customer regularly uses it. It is clear that although consumers are aware of the LinkAja brand, they are unfamiliar of its benefits. The purpose of this study is to propose a suitable marketing strategy to increase awareness of LinkAja’s benefit which is expected to increase the initiation of increasing the number of active users. Researchers use qualitative and quantitative methodologies in conducting research. Data collection is done by conducting interviews with LinkAja employees, distributing questionnaires to customers, and also collecting other supporting data. External and internal analysis was carried out to map the SWOT analysis. The tools used to perform external analysis are PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological) analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, and customer analysis. While the tools used to perform internal analysis are STP (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning) analysis and marketing mix. The proposed new marketing strategy is carried out using the TOWS matrix derived from the SWOT analysis. There are eight new marketing strategies classified into marketing mix variables that represent, product, price, place, and promotion. Some of the marketing strategies are optimizing LinkAja as a solution for the transformation of conventional payments into digital payments, creating promotions in the form of free transfer fees and top-up fees, expanding to marketplace as a digital payment method, and highlighting LinkAja competitive advantage and product value to win market competition.
Keywords :
E-wallet, Increase awareness, LinkAja, Marketing Mix, Marketing StrategyReferences :
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