Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to understand and analyze the professionalism of public services by State Civil Apparatus and law enforcement for violations of the code of ethics by State Civil Apparatus in carrying out public services, namely in order to provide understanding to the State Civil Apparatus and government agencies regarding the concept and application of the code of ethics of the State Civil Apparatus in realizing good governance. in Indonesia. The code of ethics for the State Civil Apparatus is a guideline for attitudes, behavior, and actions in carrying out their duties. The State Civil Apparatus is the entirety of human resources in charge of running the wheels of government, namely carrying out public services. The problem is the widespread violation of the code of ethics of the State Civil Apparatus. This requires law enforcement for violations in carrying out public services. The problems that will be discussed in this study are the professionalism of public services by state civil servants and law enforcement for violations of the code of ethics by state civil servants in carrying out public services. The method used in this research is normative research, using a statute approach.
Keywords :
Code of Ethics., Good Governance, Law Enforcement, ViolationReferences :
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