Abstract :
Millennial employees had a higher turnover intention is increasing lately and it creates a bigger problem in the job industry, A recent study shows, that most Millennials are assigned to work just to fulfill pressure from their inner circle, so they chose to bury their dreams. The establishment of Terminal is offered to abridged this current problem. Most of the turnover occurs in the company affected by the millennial workforce who feel dissatisfied with their own work, or else the reversed expectation. Terminal will people with an early career stage, currently called as fresh graduates to help them find a perfect career path with the enhanced activities exploration. one of the key activities that will be tested is in Gunung Wayang, this research aims for determining the most critical and important factor impacting the acceptance of the business strategy in Agrotourism in Gunung Wayang towards terminal and execute design to be implemented for Terminal in Agrotourism in Gunung Wayang to help the agrotourism develop better in the future the research method that is used in this study is using Qualitative data analysis, through the use of an observation method such as a case study and semi-structured interview. Finally, data analysis was performed gathered data such as taped video, and audio were analyzed and coded respectively, it was used for data analysis primarily for qualitative research, and triangulation to ensure the validity and reliability of the gathered data. The correlation between the TPB and the semi structured interview that has been conducted is ruled by the positive tendencies which resulted on the both three variables the attitude towards behavior, subjective norm and the perceived behavioral control for the percentage respectively 58.3%75% and 75%. The rest of the result it is dominated by the neutral tendencies which is giving a results in the variable attitude towards behavior for 41.7%, subjective norm 12.5% and the perceived behavioral control 25% and lastly it is the negative tendencies which is resulting on the last position for one votes or 12.5% in the subjective norm variable only according to the research that has been done variables in TPB such as attitude towards behavior and perceived behavioral control give a positive tendencies towards respective subject on determining the most critical and important factor on determining business strategy creation for Terminal. In the following years, it is expected that there will be a comprehensive curriculum and structured timeline in the project execution.
Keywords :
Behaviour, Coffee, Gap Year, Solution, TPBReferences :
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