Abstract :
This study is an ex-post facto research that investigated the organochlorine pesticides content of Emede wetland for its suitability for pen aquaculture in secondary school. The study answered 3 research questions and tested a hypothesis. To achieve this, the research area Emede wetland was mapped out into research cells. From each of the research cells, water samples were collected from 10 sampling spots, bulked and a composite drawn and fixed with HNO3 and stored in ice cooled boxes for laboratory analysis. The analytical standards adopted for the study were USEPA, APHA and ASTM and the analytical instrument deployed for determination of the organochlorine pesticides was EPA 8081 ECD. The mean results obtained are as follows: adrin 0.76±1.4µg/l, diedrin 1.26±0.30 µg/l, DDT 2.13±0.42 µg/l, endrin 0.62±0.55 µg/l and heptachlor 2.13±0.42 µg/l. The results obtained were subjected to test of significance with ANOVA at 0.05 level of significance deploying SPSS model 21. The p-value is 0.31 thus rejecting Ho. The study recommends that pen aquaculture should not be implemented in Emede wetland, the pollutions source should be identified and blocked and remediation should be carried out in the wetland to resuscitate the wetland to its hitherto healthy status.
Keywords :
(Agriculture and Home Economics Units), Abraka, Delta State University, Department of Vocational EducationReferences :
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