Abstract :
Every five second, people in Indonesia needs blood. Blood donation is essential in every country to helps patients survive from illnesses and injuries. Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) has released the data of blood donation in 2020, there were 3,5 million blood bags has collected across Indonesia. With current situation, Indonesia still needs to fulfil minimum 5,2 million blood bags (2% of the Indonesian population) per year. Those condition that motivate PT Gaya Hidup Sehat to take a part to solve the problem of shortage blood donors by implementing the healthcare technology with Reblood application. Reblood aimed to provide all of information related with blood donation that currently still limited, not accessible and not integrating each other’s. Since it first launched in 2018 until now, Reblood has acquired 60,748 active users with more than 40,000 blood donations collected and transferred to PMI. However, in 2020 until 2021 the number of active users has decreased significantly almost 70% due to pandemic Covid-19. This research was conducted to increase Reblood’s active users and encourage more people to do blood donation in order to fulfill blood bags capacity. 337 respondents was participating on the survey to analyze the motivation, barriers, and knowledge and behavior to do blood donation. The result of those analysis then formulate using Social Marketing Framework by Philip Kotler and Nancy R.Lee. The findings in this research enriches the strategy of behavioral changes with the use of social marketing approach for increasing blood donation campaign.
Keywords :
barriers, Blood donation. Behavior changes, Knowledge, Motivation, social marketingReferences :
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