Abstract :
The internet has the potential to transform banks and the financial sector dramatically. The advent of online banking is projected to impact the variety of financial services that banks offer. Service delivery techniques may evolve if banks utilize new technology to analyses profitability. Online banking has made banking more accessible and convenient for both banks and customers, but it also has its own set of hurdles and problems. Despite the benefits of online banking, banks continue to confront difficulties due to customers’ reluctance to utilize it. This research will focus on Bank XYZ, a pseudonym of a real Corporate Bank in Indonesia. In an effort to compete with other players who have online banking products, Bank XYZ must be able to recognize challenges and opportunities that impact their internet banking product, namely XGEB.
Bank XYZ has over 1400 customers, but only 830 utilize XGEB. Since early 2021, this statistic has not changed. It is undergoing a complete digitalization transformation to support its internet banking services in order to give a better customer experience while being more customer-centric. According to an interview with Bank XYZ employees that engage directly with customers regarding the internet banking service, it was determined that the bank’s customer experience has fallen short of optimum customer satisfaction. This research discovers a number of internal and external elements that contributed to this. Customers’ perceptions of XGEB’s utility and simplicity of use are influenced by its user interface design and absence of necessary functionality. External challenges include the threat of new entrants as well as competition among existing rivals.
After completing a business solutions analysis, this research concluded that to enhance XGEB usage, Bank XYZ should first identify existing and future customer demands, and then provide customized solutions in the manner the consumer expected. In addition, this study suggests that XYZ include mobile banking as an internet channel and that XYZ buy or acquire a digitally savvy local bank to improve Bank XYZ’s competitiveness.
Keywords :
Business Strategy, Competitiveness, Customer Adoption, Internet Banking, Technology Acceptance.References :
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