Abstract :
Background: Street teenagers generally spend the day on the road, so they are vulnerable to health and psychological disorders. In fact, it is often identified as a community that pays less attention to healthy living behavior. One of the interventions carried out is by carrying out health promotions for street youth. The use of pocket book media can improve practice in the prevention of health problems.
Objective: This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of pocket books as a medium of health education to improve healthy behavior in an effort to prevent health problems of street teenagers.
Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental research with pre-test and post-test with one group design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling as many as 60 street teenagers. The research was conducted from July-October 2021 on street teenagers who are under the guidance of the Tabayun halfway house (Bogor Regency), the Bina Insan Mandiri halfway house (Depok City) and the Cinta Anak Negri halfway house (Bekasi City). The influence variable in the intervention group is pocket book media, while the affected variable is the behavior of street teenagers towards the prevention of adolescent health problems which includes the knowledge, attitudes, and skills or actions of street teenagers towards the prevention of health problems. The data collection instrument in this study used a questionnaire to measure the behavior of street teenagers. Data analysis was carried out using the paired sample test.
Result: Health education with pocket book media can increase knowledge (p=0.000), attitude (p=0.000) and skills (p=0.000) of street teenagers in health prevention.
Conclusion: pocket books are effective as an educational media in improving the health behavior of street teenagers.
Keywords :
Health Behavior, Health Education, Pocket Book, Street Teenagers.References :
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