Abstract :
Introduction: Diseases that accompany pregnancy, such as diabetes mellitus, affect preeclampsia. This disease is a hereditary disorder characterized by reduced circulating insulin, high blood sugar concentrations, and reduced glycogenesis. This study tried to determine the effect of giving Moringa leaf powder (Moringa oleifera) in preventing pancreatic organ cell damage in pregnant rats with diabetes mellitus.
Method: A total of 30 pregnant white rats, which were divided into 6 groups, were examined for their sugar levels on day 4 after being induced by alloxan for 18 days to ensure that they were already in a hyperglycemic state.
Result: The results showed that the administration of Moringa leaf powder at a dose of 800 mg/day/kg BW could reduce pancreatic cell apoptosis, approaching the negative control group.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the moringa leaf powder is able to improve the clinical pathological condition of pregnancy, due to inhibition of apoptosis and repair of pancreatic Langerhans cells.
Keywords :
diabetes mellitus, Moringa Leaf Powder, Pancreatic Apoptosis.References :
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