Abstract :
The Coronavirus has disrupted teachings in many schools as they change from on-site learning to online learning. Although this has caused many difficulties, due to safety concerns of parents and multiple lockdown procedures, online learning is still being implemented. This led to a question of how students in different age groups perceive the benefits of online learning differently from each other. The main purpose of this study is to identify whether there is a relationship between age groups to establish direction for an opportunity to conduct future studies into the individual problems with online learning. To test this relationship, a google form was sent out as part of a cross-sectional study to online platforms, in which 253 participants from the age of 13 and above were randomly selected. To analyze the results, Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 26 was used. The One-way ANOVA table was calculated, where it did not show any statistically significant difference between age groups in their perception of online learning (p=0.82).
Keywords :
Age groups, Attitude, Comparison, Online Learning, PerceptionReferences :
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