Abstract :
Some online media use the mileage system a lot. Also, many companies are generating profits using the mileage system. The mileage system was first serviced by airlines in the late 1980s, and now it has many good functions and features. Also, many industries benefit from the mileage system used by airlines in other industries. However, mileage is not being introduced in the game industry, and the service is not provided using the concept of points returned to users, which is a pure function of mileage. So, the payment system developed a lot in the mobile industry has a better and easier payment system than the current online industry. Although many mobile games are being made worldwide, there are currently many games that have a lifespan depending on the nature of the game. For increasing the lifespan of these games, games are constantly changing. However, the revenue model continues to stand still with partial fee-for-service. Therefore, it was found that the mileage system used in various fields such as internet shopping malls and airlines is good in attracting customers and increasing satisfaction through the thesis. Therefore, this study suggested a new revenue model using mileage to help extend the game’s life because it was thought that a revenue model that helps increase the game’s lifespan is needed even for the revenue model of mobile games that are standing still. In particular, this study focused on the recent issue of game items as NFTs using blockchain technology.
Keywords :
Mileage, Mobile Game, NFT., Partial PaymentReferences :
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