Abstract :
Industry 4.0 buzz has moved from hype to investment and real benefit today. Many companies expect to significantly increase their portfolios of digital products, services, and operations. Hence, the companies have a mission to have highly digitalized horizontal and vertical value chain processes. The cement industry as one of the heavy manufacturing industries a has target to increase plant efficiency. It will include equipment efficiency, energy utilization, productivity, and production maintenance cost by implementing the transformation.
Cement market competition become more challenging and harder in Indonesia with the growth of new cement players. As the result, capacity was getting higher and higher. Even though the demand increase was not significant so the utilization of the cement industry drop to 60% approximately. Therefore, the need for cost efficiency is more urgent for business sustainability and one of the key factors is Industry 4.0 transformation.
This research will focus on the assessment and actual implementation of Industry 4.0 in the cement plant PT. Bangun Perkasa. PT. Bangun Perkasa is on level 3 with the predicate “Company is at MATURE step in Industry 4.0 transformation” by using INDI 4.0 (Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index) tool from Indonesia Ministry of Industry. As a result, most technologies that are considered as important to be accelerated and deliver more benefit for plant efficiency are big data analytics & advanced algorithms and smart sensors.
Keywords :
Big Data Analytics, Cement Industry, INDI 4.0, Industry 4.0, Plant Efficiency, Smart SensorsReferences :
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