Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to see how E-learning applications were used in history lectures during the Covid-19 period. This research uses descriptive-evaluative research strategy with Mixed Methods technique (quantitative and qualitative). The descriptive-evaluative analysis in this study is limited to the E-Learning program as a historical learning medium. The subjects of this study were teachers of history subjects and students at SMA Negeri 1 Kota Padang who used E-Learning. Data was collected through interviews, documentation, and distributing questionnaires. This study uses descriptive statistical analysis, namely calculating the amount of data obtained from questionnaire data and then evaluating the data in the form of percentages. The influence of online learning with E-Learning applications on students’ historical thinking skills and historical awareness abilities is substantial. Furthermore, using E-Learning technology into history lessons may aid students in developing a stronger sense of national identity. As a result, it is possible to infer that the E-learning application had a significant impact on history learning during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Keywords :
COVID-19, E-Learning, Historical LearningReferences :
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