Abstract :
In a world where technology is part of people’s lives and where most people are present on social networks, research is needed to highlight the importance and usefulness of these social networks. Since 2016, a new social network has joined this community: TikTok. Through this approach we aim to identify the reasons why people stormed the social network TikTok. Through an analysis of the literature, we will follow the motivation of people to be present on TikTok and we will determine if the identified reasons are influenced by the coronavirus pandemic. Without a doubt, the pandemic that started at the end of 2019 has changed the lives of many people, from different perspectives. The analyzed perspective in this article is that of the activity on social networks. Through this study, we want to determine if the pandemic was the reason for the growth of the TikTok community in such short time.
Keywords :
coronavirus, Online, pandemic, Social Media, TiktokReferences :
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