Abstract :
Corn (Zea mays L.) is a common food and feed product in the community since it is commonly used as rice substitution as food staple. Fertilizer application is required to attain crop high yields. Plants can receive nutrients from synthetic nitrogen fertilizers (NF) during their growth cycle. However, excessive use of NF might harm the environment. Organic chicken manure (CM), on the other hand, can minimize the harmful impact of NF. Chicken manure benefits to improve the soil’s physical, chemical, and biological properties. To boost maize plant growth and productivity, might employ CM and NF. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of NF and CM on corn growth and yield. This research was conducted in Kembang Seri, Central Bengkulu, Indonesia from November 2019 to February 2020 using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two factors and three replications. The first factor was NF doses (100, 125, and 150 %), and the second-factor consisted of CM doses (0, 10, and 20 tons/ha). Data were analyzed using ANOVA F-5%. On shoot dry weight of corn cultivated in a double row cropping pattern, there was an interaction between the dose of N and chicken manure. At 0 tons/ha, the optimum N fertilizer dose for chicken manure is 135.96 %, or 407.86 kg urea/ha. At a dose of 20 tons/ha, the optimum N fertilizer dose for chicken manure is 141.22 %, or 423.65 kg urea/ha. In a double row cropping pattern, different nitrogen fertilizer doses had no effect on corn growth and yield. The optimal dose of chicken manure was 16.65 tons/ha for plant height, 17.35 tons/ha for stem diameter, 18.89 tons/ha for leaf greenness, 17.35 tons/ha for cob length, 15.01 tons/ha for cob weight, 18.87 tons/ha for dry seed weight/plant, and 19.74 tons/ha for dry seed weight/plot.
Keywords :
Chicken Manure, Corn, Double Row Cropping, Zea MaysReferences :
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